Obesity is a condition that occurs when a person has excess weight or body fat that might affect their health. Obesity, also called CORPULENCE or EXCESSIVE ACCUMULATION OF BODY FAT, usually caused by the consumption of more calories than the body can use. The excess calories are then stored as fat, or adipose tissue.
As in adults, obesity is also a growing problem in children.

Common causes of obesity includes: stress, poor sleep, poor diets, emotional factors, genetics, environment, physical inactivity, overeating, prenatal and early life influences, engineered junk foods, certain mediations and leptin resistance (This occurs when the brain stops acknowledging the leptin hormone's signal. This means that you do not get the sensation of feeling full or satiated causing you to eat more even though your body has enough fat stores).

Obesity is also associated with social and psychological problems, including low self-esteem, low social competence, depression, lack of adaptation, sleep deprivation, body image problems and so on.

NB:1⃣ Patients with obesity have higher chances of dying of kidney or liver failure, heart diseases, stroke and diabetes.
2⃣Teaching children about nutrients and healthy food choices will reduce the rates of obese children and lead to a healthier next generation.
3⃣With increased awareness and education, including social encouragement, exercising and healthy dieting, people with obesity can get back to their healthy selves.

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