A Visit to the Loo

What is it about needing the Loo urgently when on a long trip, the relief when you see a sign showing a highway complex for filling up the tank, getting a bite to eat, AND importantly a place to make that urgent pitstop, and you've managed to hold back the floodgates until you step inside that Loo?
Thank goodness no one is around to see you diving for the seat after a frantic battle with an annoying belt!


Anyways...those loos are always full of travelers so I never get an opportunity to take a pic, as the ladies would think I'm crazy and I would for sure get many dirty looks.

Enough of that looloo story, and onto a loo of yester-year, a beautiful Bohemian loo and some really quaint signs.

I will start off with the entrance to a gracious Ladies' Toilet from a time before. This also serves as a Restroom and Library. The older generation will remember getting lost in a book while sitting on the crown and eventually having everyone in the house shouting that they also need the loo!
Nowadays some call it the cell phone booth; a kind of refuge where no one can disturb you.

This toilet and restroom is inside a gracious farmhouse on the grounds of a local SPCA. The entire property was donated to this organization which takes care of mainly cats and dogs, and tries to find them new homes. Some have been abandoned or owners can no longer take care of them.


My son's girlfriend is super-talented and repurposes old furniture or decor items into beautiful pieces. The mirror was an old picture frame that needed restoration and she turned it into a grand mirror.
The girlfriend has real eclectic taste when it comes to decor; here is her tiny but beautiful Bohemian Loo.
Andi Toilet.jpg

Looloo rules to follow...


I saw these Eco-Friendly Loos when we were at Mac Bananas on the South Coast of Kwazulu Natal.
This is a touristy village with an animal farm, a nursery,
a shop with delicious homemade AND over-priced eats, an animal farmyard, and...and...

The loo signs gave us a real chuckle, and you'll see why...

eco friendly loo.jpg

We'll start with the littlest people...

baby loo.jpg

Next up is the Ladies Loo...

ladies loo.jpg

And finally the Men...almost like a bark, typical not so, especially when wifey wants to linger longer at the overpriced store!

men loo.jpg

Finally a riddle...can anyone tell me what happened with this loo paper?
I'm playing follow the leader with this riddle, just like @livinguktaiwan, so may just have a little surprise for the first one to guess right :)


See you next time for a chit-chat in the LooLoo Community!

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