Los Videojuegos y mi Hijo Miguel... Impacto - Medidas - Resultados [Esp/Eng]

Éste, aunque parezca un tema de otra índole, nos vamos a enfocar en el impacto que pueden tener los juegos de video en nuestro hijos. Muchas veces pensamos, que como están en casa y se la pasan jugando con cualquier dispositivo móvil o pc y no están haciendo daño a nadie, todo está bien. Pero resulta, que pasar tanto tiempo en esa actividad, poco a poco los va alejando de sus obligaciones personales y escolares, además, le pueden generar cierto grado de ansiedad que hasta puede transformar esa personalidad y volverlos un poco agresivos si tratamos de disminuir o quitarles por un tiempo el que se dediquen a estos juegos.

La intención no es que dejen de jugar, porque también ellos necesitan desahogarse un poco cuando están agobiados por el quehacer educativo, más aún cuando están de vacaciones. Sin embargo, todo tiene su momento, porque no es posible que tengan obligaciones y las dejen a un lado debido al grado de ansiedad y vicio hacia estos juegos de video. Cuando esto sucede hay que tomar medidas, porque para luego puede ser tarde, claro que al inicio será difícil tanto para nuestro hijo, como para nosostros mismos y para ello tenemos que llenarnos de mucha paciencia, pero si abordamos la situación a tiempo y aplicando los correctivos necesarios, se puede lograr el objetivo.

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Gifs creados en la aplicación/Gifs created in the application HD Video To Gif Converter

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This one, although it may seem like a different topic, we are going to focus on the impact that video games can have on our children. Many times we think that since they are at home and they are playing with any mobile device or pc and they are not hurting anyone, everything is fine. But it turns out that spending so much time in this activity, little by little is taking them away from their personal and school obligations, in addition, it can generate a certain degree of anxiety that can even transform that personality and make them a little aggressive if we try to reduce or remove them for a while to engage in these games.

The intention is not to stop them from playing, because they also need to let off some steam when they are overwhelmed by the educational task, even more so when they are on vacation. However, everything has its moment, because it is not possible that they have obligations and leave them aside due to the degree of anxiety and addiction to these video games. When this happens we have to take measures, because it may be too late, of course at the beginning it will be difficult for our child, as well as for ourselves and for this we have to be very patient, but if we address the situation in time and applying the necessary corrective measures, we can achieve the goal.


Ahora, todo esto había venido ocurriendo con mi hijo Miguel. Desde noviembre aproximadamente del año pasado, Miguel inició con los juegos de Free Fire y Call Of Duty Mobile, repito, la idea es que no juegue, porque yo formo parte de un clan llamado Hivers donde estamos jugando de forma constante Call Of Duty Mobile y sé que estos juegos pueden ser adictivos, pero claro está, no dejo de lado mis obligaciones personales y familiares. Entonces, a medida que pasaba el tiempo notamos que mi hijo solo pensaba llegar del liceo, no almorzaba, no se quitaba el uniforme, ni nos pedía la bendición como de costumbre, solo se limitaba a entrar al cuerpo a jugar.

En las noches cuando todos se iban a dormir, pensamos que también el lo hacía, de hecho Miguel entraba al cuarto, apagaba la luz y todo, pero al pasar el tiempo el niño se iba a la sala a jugar por lo que se acostaba muy tarde. El rendimiento escolar estaba disminuyendo y aunque aprobó su primer periodo, las notas no eran las esperadas. Viendo todo esto, su mamá y yo hablamos con él de forma constante, pero se tornaba un poco agresivo y alegaba que él solo estaba jugando sin hacerle daño a nadie, lo que no sabía es que el daño se lo estaba haciendo asimismo. Hasta sus relaciones sociales las estaba perdiendo, ya no salía a jugar o hacer deporte con sus amigos, cosa que hacía de forma constante luego de realizar sus actividades escolares.




Now, all this had been happening with my son Miguel. Since about November last year, Miguel started playing Free Fire and Call Of Duty Mobile games, I repeat, the idea is that he does not play, because I am part of a clan called Hivers where we are constantly playing Call Of Duty Mobile and I know that these games can be addictive, but of course, I do not leave aside my personal and family obligations. Then, as time went by we noticed that my son only thought about coming home from school, he didn't eat lunch, he didn't take off his uniform, he didn't ask for our blessing as usual, he just went into the corps to play.

At night when everyone went to sleep, we thought he did it too, in fact Miguel would go into the room, turn off the light and everything, but as time went by the child would go to the living room to play so he would go to bed very late. His school performance was decreasing and although he passed his first period, his grades were not as expected. Seeing all this, his mother and I talked to him constantly, but he became a little aggressive and claimed that he was just playing without hurting anyone, what he didn't know was that he was hurting himself. He was even losing his social relationships, he no longer went out to play or play sports with his friends, something he did constantly after his school activities.



Viendo todo lo que estaba pasando, su mamá y yo decidimos bloquearle el wifi y pusimos su dispositivo en lista negra. Si tenía que hacer cualquier actividad escolar debía hacerla con la computadora de su hermana. Esta decisión no le gustó mucho porque esos juegos eran como una adicción para él. Pero no podíamos dejar que esta actividad continuara causando impacto negativo en nuestro hijo, porque ya no eran lo juegos de videos, sino que su actitud personal se estaba transformando, se tornaba agresivo y no quería escuchar lo que su mamá y yo le decíamos. Ningún padre quiere el mal para sus hijos, nuestra meta es la guiarlos por el buen camino y enseñarles que en esta vida nada es fácil.

Al inicio del bloqueo del wifi lo observamos y se veía ansioso, tomaba el teléfono y como con los datos no podía jugar se molestaba. Pensamos que en algún momento nos iba a decir que lo desbloqueara, pero el sabía que cunado sus padres toman una decisión por su bien, no hay vuelta atrás y debe ganarse nuevamente la confianza y demostrar que ha cambiado de actitud, pero no un cambio por un momento solo por interés de continuar jugando o para levantarle el castigo, sino un cambio que sea verdadero y que el sabía que era para su beneficio propio. Poco a poco el tenía que entender y volver a ser el joven que era antes porque jamás le hemos prohibido nada, siempre y cuando cumpla con sus obligaciones, ser responsable debe estar primero.



Seeing all that was going on, his mom and I decided to block his wifi and blacklisted his device. If he had to do any school activities he had to do them on his sister's computer. He didn't like this decision very much because those games were like an addiction for him. But we could not let this activity continue to have a negative impact on our son, because it was no longer the video games, but his personal attitude was changing, he was becoming aggressive and did not want to listen to what his mom and I were telling him. No parent wants evil for their children, our goal is to guide them on the right path and teach them that nothing is easy in this life.

At the beginning of the wifi blocking we watched him and he seemed anxious, he would pick up the phone and since he couldn't play with the data he would get upset. We thought that at some point he was going to tell us to unblock it, but he knew that when his parents make a decision for his own good, there is no turning back and he must win back their trust and show that he has changed his attitude, but not a change for a moment just for the sake of continuing to play or to lift the punishment, but a real change that he knew was for his own benefit. Little by little he had to understand and go back to being the young man he was before because we have never forbidden him anything, as long as he fulfills his obligations, being responsible must come first.


Ya esa actitud negativa iba bajando de tono, Miguel llegaba del colegio, entraba a su cuarto, se quitaba el uniforme, almorzaba, reposaba un rato para luego pedirle la PC a su hermana y realizar las actividades escolares, claro que siempre contando con la ayuda de papá y mamá en lo que necesite, de hecho he estado ayudándolo siempre. Retomó la actividad deportiva con sus amigos y hasta ejercicios hacía. Ya Miguel entraba más a menudo a nuestro cuarto para conversar, ver televisión y yo esperando que me dijera algo de los juegos de video, pero él no asomaba el tema para nada y eso que yo he jugado con el y hasta contenido jugando juntos he publicado.

Decía yo, éste se olvidó de esos juegos o solo se está haciendo el loco. A finales del mes de enero, su mamá y yo decidimos desbloquear a Miguel y activar el wifi por lo menos de una a dos horas al día. Notamos que en ese tiempo jugaba un poco luego de hacer todas sus cosas con normalidad. Las dos horas de desbloqueo no las tomaba para estar jugando tanto, porque ya había retomado el hábito de salir con sus amigos a realizar cualquier actividad física y por lo que he visto, eso se ha tornado un poco más importante.

Bueno, las cosas iban cambiando porque el rendimiento escolar desde inicios de este año fue en ascenso, sus notas estaban súper mejor y hasta felicitaciones por parte de sus profesores estaba recibiendo. Hasta una institución que dicta clases de inglés fue a su liceo, hizo una especie de evaluación y Miguel junto a otro compañero fueron acreedores de una media beca para recibir clases, con la posibilidad de convertir esa media beca en una beca completa. Para ello había que asistir a una reunión, sin embargo, como era justamente fecha de los carnavales se pospuso para el siguiente fin de semana.



Miguel came home from school, went into his room, took off his uniform, had lunch, rested for a while and then asked his sister for the PC and did his school activities, of course always counting on mom and dad's help in whatever he needed, in fact I have always been helping him. He resumed his sports activities with his friends and even exercised. Miguel came more often to our room to talk, watch TV and I was waiting for him to tell me something about video games, but he did not bring up the subject at all and I have played with him and even published content about playing together.

I said, he forgot about those games or he is just playing crazy. At the end of January, his mom and I decided to unblock Miguel and activate the wifi for at least one to two hours a day. We noticed that in that time he would play a little after doing all his stuff normally. The two hours of unblocking were not taken to be playing so much, because he had already resumed the habit of going out with his friends to do any physical activity and from what I have seen, that has become a little more important.

Well, things were changing because his school performance since the beginning of this year was on the rise, his grades were super better and he was even receiving congratulations from his teachers. Even an institution that teaches English classes came to his high school, made a kind of evaluation and Miguel and another classmate were awarded a half scholarship to receive classes, with the possibility of converting that half scholarship into a full scholarship. To do so, they had to attend a meeting, however, as it was precisely the date of the carnival, it was postponed to the following weekend.



Lo cierto es que estas medidas, por lo menos en nuestro caso están dando buenos resultados, porque Miguel se ha tornado en un joven más responsable del que era al principio y aunque no tomó de buena manera estas medidas, al final entendió que era por su beneficio y de que la actitud que estaba tomando no era la mejor. Lo importante es que ha reflexionado y que con agresividad nadie puede avanzar. De igual manera, pudo comprender que para todo hay tiempo y que debe planificar todas sus actividades, de hecho lo está haciendo porque lo vemos más organizado. Otra cosa las fotos que fueron tomadas jugando, se hicieron sin que él se diera cuenta ya que en esos momentos no tenía la mejor actitud.

Aún no lo hemos desbloqueado en su totalidad, pero poco a poco lo vamos a hacer porque estamos disfrutando de un cambio maravilloso en Miguel y esperemos que continúe así, más aún cuando está culminando su bachillerato y pronto iniciará su etapa universitaria. Para finalizar, en una entrega anterior les hablé de que mi hija había aprobado su sexto semestre de Ingeniería Naval, pero como no habían cargado las notas en el sistema no era oficial, bueno ya es oficial y aquí tienen sus calificaciones. Ahora sí me despido esperando que todas sus familias estén bien y que Dios los siga bendiciendo. Saludos y se les quiere.


The truth is that these measures, at least in our case, are giving good results, because Miguel has become a more responsible young man than he was at the beginning and although he did not take these measures in a good way, in the end he understood that it was for his benefit and that the attitude he was taking was not the best. The important thing is that he has reflected and that no one can move forward with aggressiveness. In the same way, he was able to understand that there is time for everything and that he should plan all his activities, in fact he is doing it because we see him more organized. Another thing, the photos that were taken while playing, were taken without him realizing it because he did not have the best attitude at that time.

We have not yet unblocked it completely, but little by little we are going to do it because we are enjoying a wonderful change in Miguel and we hope it continues like this, even more when he is finishing his high school and soon he will start his university stage. Finally, in a previous post I told you that my daughter had passed her sixth semester of Naval Engineering, but since they had not uploaded her grades in the system it was not official, well now it is official and here are her grades. Now I say goodbye hoping that all your families are well and that God continues to bless you. Greetings and I love you all.


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Fotografías y Videos tomados por mí y Nancy Rojas desde mi teléfono Tecno Camon 18p

Pictures and Videos taken by me and Nancy Rojas from my Tecno Camon 18p phone.

Las imágenes que indican el bloqueo wifi y las notas de Nancy, provienen de capturas de pantalla de la configuración del router y del archivo de notas de Nancy

The images showing the wifi blocking and Nancy's notes come from screenshots of the router configuration and Nancy's notes file

Traducción realizada a través de/Translation made through DeepL

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