Participaci贸n de mi hija en su cierre de proyecto 馃嚮馃嚜

Saludos y bendiciones para todos los que hacen vida en esta hermosa comunidad, hoy quise hacer algo diferente, atraverme a publicarles a trav茅s de 3speak, un video corto de lo que fue parte de la presentaci贸n de mi hija mayor en su primer cierre de proyecto del actual a帽o escolar.

C贸mo todos los lapsos, cada grado y secci贸n, realiza un acto o presentaci贸n que tenga relaci贸n con el proyecto con el que trabajaron durante el trimestre correspondiente, en nuestro caso, el nombre del proyecto fue "Venezuela, tierra de gracia", por consiguiente, la maestra Luisa Astudillo, actual docente de mi hija, decidi贸 realizar un popurr铆 de musicas venezolanas representativas de nuestro gentilicio, en uni贸n con un escrito realizado por ella, el cual, en su voz, agreg贸 a dicho popurr铆 musical, la selecci贸n de canciones fue en su totalidad de cantautores y agrupaciones venezolanas. El audio que utilizo en esta publicaci贸n, es un peque帽o fragmento de la grabaci贸n en vivo que realic茅 desde mi telefono personal durante el acto en cuesti贸n.

Debo decir que yo estaba muy emocionada, porque aunque no es la primera vez que mi hija participa en cierres de proyecto, si es la primera vez que permiti贸 que la incluyeran en un baile, ella antes, se negaba rotundamente, y siendo yo, una mam谩 exbailarina, por su puesto me emociona muchisimo que ella haya accedido 茅sta vez.

El d铆a inici贸 desde muy temprano, entre peinado, maquillaje y vestuario, por supuesto yo queria que estuviera super hermosa, ya estando lista, nos fuimos al colegio, donde realizaron un 煤ltimo ensayo dentro del aula de clases.

Pasados unos minutos despu茅s de las 10 Am, llamaron a los 3er grado para realizar su actividad, Gianna estaba sumamente nerviosa, trate de calmarla y le dije que lo har铆a perfecto, que tuviera confianza en ella que se sab铆a muy bien su coreograf铆a me pidi贸 como buena venezolana que le "echara la bendici贸n" y lleg贸 el momento.

La verdad yo estaba feliz al verla en el escenario, lo hizo muy muy bien para ser su primera vez y espero que en actividades pr贸ximas tambien acceda en participar, porque lo que si es cierto, es que yo no la obligar铆a jamas a bailar si ella as铆 no lo quisiera, y es que por yo haber sido bailarina hace tiempo atr谩s, si quisiera que mis hijas tambi茅n bailaran, pero como lo dije, jamas las obligar铆a.



My daughter's participation in her project closing


Greetings and blessings to all who make life in this beautiful community, today I wanted to do something different, dare to publish through 3speak, a short video of what was part of the presentation of my eldest daughter in her first project closing of the current school year.

As every term, each grade and section, performs an act or presentation that is related to the project with which they worked during the corresponding quarter, in our case, the name of the project was "Venezuela, land of grace", therefore, the teacher Luisa Astudillo, my daughter's current teacher, decided to make a medley of Venezuelan music representative of our gentilicio, in conjunction with a writing done by her, which, in her voice, added to the musical medley, the selection of songs was entirely of Venezuelan singer-songwriters and groups. The audio that I use in this publication, is a small fragment of the live recording that I made from my personal phone during the event in question.
I must say that I was very excited, because although it is not the first time that my daughter participates in project closings, it is the first time that she allowed to be included in a dance, she used to refuse categorically, and being me, a former dancer mom, of course I am very excited that she has agreed this time.

The day started very early, between hair, makeup and costumes, of course I wanted her to look super beautiful, and being ready, we went to school, where they made a last rehearsal inside the classroom.

A few minutes after 10 am, they called the 3rd grade to perform their activity, Gianna was extremely nervous, I tried to calm her down and told her that she would do it perfectly, that she had confidence in her that she knew her choreography very well, she asked me as a good Venezuelan to "give her the blessing" and the moment arrived.

The truth is that I was happy to see her on stage, she did very well for her first time and I hope that in future activities she will also agree to participate, because what is certain is that I would never force her to dance if she did not want to, and because I was a dancer some time ago, I would like my daughters to dance too, but as I said, I would never force them.


Las fotos fueron tomadas desde mi Redmi Note 8 - La edici贸n de la foto de portada y el video fue realizada en Canva y Capcut - La traducci贸n es de

Photos were taken from my Redmi Note 8 - Cover photo and video editing was done in Canva and Capcut - Translation by

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