Parenthood: A life-changing experience.

If you are planning on having a baby, get ready because parenthood is a whole lot of adventure. It's not a joke at all and you have to be prepared for it.


The day-to-day effort of parenthood is unbelievable. I know it's one of the most exciting feelings we can ever get in life and I also know it's so difficult on several levels.

Listen. I'm not yet there, but I've heard so much about the scale of the difficulty.

Some kids are very agreeable. Tell them to sit and they sit. Tell them to go and they go. Some other kids are not agreeable like others. They will always want to do the opposite of what you tell them.

I've heard parents say that one particular child was easier to train than the other and it usually boils down to who takes guidance more than the other. Nonetheless, what you may not have heard is that when parents are ready to give their kids the best training, the best lifestyle and the best provision, training the most agreeable of kids can still be a life-changing experience for you as a parent.

What parenthood does is to change the trajectory of your life. I mean this in a good way. You will see yourself wanting to be better, make more money, and live a better lifestyle. At least, this is what sane people would want to do. They want to be the best parent they can be to their child.

How adorable is that?

Little wonder why you see first-time Dads cutting down on the time they spend in pubs and the time they spend in nightclubs. Same as first-time Mums. Parenthood makes people more selfless and more serious with their life plans and goals.

While all these are very adorable, lemme play the devil's advocate here;


Do you have an idea of what happens when parents get it wrong?

Just so you know, there are men and women out there who have their blood running in a child, yet they failed to assume the role of a parent. This is one of the reasons why there are single parents in the world. This is also why some people grew up without knowing what it feels like to have a Dad or Mum.

When parents get it so wrong and fail to adopt the responsibilities that come with being parents, it hurts their partners and also leaves a bad image in the mind of their kids.

Some kids have sore relationships with their parents because they lack the genuine affection and bond that are meant to exist in a parent-child relationship. It's getting harder at the moment because we live in an era when parents have to spend so many hours away from home to make a living. The only chance for some kids to connect with their parents is at dinner tables.

For the record, it's hard to fault parents who create a disconnect in their relationship with their kids because of their desire to make a living, but I'm sure I'm onto something at this point. Perhaps, things would have been different if they got financially prepared before getting into parenthood. Perhaps!

What we can't deny is the fact that some adults are genuinely resentful towards their parents for not being there for them or for abandoning them. They sure have grounds to be resentful, but we all who are yet to get into parenthood have lessons to learn from that.

Let's change the narrative and work on improving ourselves to be ready to take on the responsibility of being a Dad or Mum.

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