[ESP-ENG]Primer día de clases 🏫First day of classes


Hola querida y apreciada comunidad de @Motherhood, hoy les traigo este pequeño contenido, dedicado al primer día en el prescolar de mis niños Oliver Eduardo de 5 años que inicia el tercer nivel y Christopher Alejandro quien va a su primera experiencia en las aulas de clase. Desde hace días atrás los niños estaban ansiosos de colocarse su camisa y pantalones nuevos de uniforme guardados en el closet de nuestro hogar.

Hello dear and appreciated community of @Motherhood, today I bring you this little content, dedicated to the first day in preschool of my children Oliver Eduardo, 5 years old, who starts the third level and Christopher Alejandro who is going to his first experience in the classroom. Since a few days ago the children were anxious to put on their new uniform shirts and pants stored in the closet of our home.




Después de desayunar partimos caminando rumbo a la institución que está a unos 500 metros de nuestra residencia, los niños emocionados y contentos junto a su padre @ovelperez82; comentaban como iba a ser ese primer día en el kínder, Christopher preguntaba cómo iba a ser su maestra, yo le decía que no había gente fea ni bonita, que sus compañeritos de clase eran sus hermanitos y la maestra su mama en mi ausencia, de igual manera le orientamos a Oliver que debía respetar y no debían de burlarse de nadie que todos somos iguales ante los ojos de Dios que no existen gordos ni flacos, altos o bajitos, que nadie es más que nadie y todos tenemos el mismo valor como personas.

After breakfast we left walking towards the institution that is about 500 meters from our residence, the children excited and happy with his father @ovelperez82; Christopher asked how his teacher was going to be, I told him that there were no ugly or pretty people, that his classmates were his little brothers and sisters and the teacher was his mother in my absence, in the same way we guided Oliver that he should respect and should not make fun of anyone that we are all equal in the eyes of God that there are no fat or skinny, tall or short, that no one is more than anyone else and we all have the same value as people.




💕Después de caminar y oír la amena conversación de los niños por fin llegamos al colegio, su entrada al principio fue de emoción; a Christopher le cambio el rostro el ver que su hermano mayor se quedaba en un salón junto a su maestra, tal vez pensó que estaría al lado de su hermano. Al llegar al aula donde el más pequeñito donde iniciaría su trayecto, fuimos recibidos por las maestras Yesenia Villahermosa y Marbelis Zambrano, entre saludos y presentaciones el niño ya empezaba a sentir que quedaría solo con dos desconocidas, para variar fue el primero en llegar al aula.💕

After walking and listening to the pleasant conversation of the children we finally arrived at the school, his entrance at the beginning was of emotion; Christopher's face changed when he saw that his older brother was staying in a classroom next to his teacher, maybe he thought he would be next to his brother. When we arrived to the classroom where the youngest child would begin his journey, we were welcomed by the teachers Yesenia Villahermosa and Marbelis Zambrano, between greetings and introductions the child was already beginning to feel that he would be alone with two strangers, for a change he was the first to arrive to the classroom.




Al principio fue difícil, Christopher lloro y se le pegaba de la pierna al papa, diciendo que no se quedaría solo alli, al paso de unos minutos las maestras de manera muy pedagógica hicieron que el niño entrara en razón y se pudo quedar tranquilo. Se adaptó de manera rápida, tal vez la llegada de un compañerito lo motivo a estar tranquilo, desde las 7:00 AM y hasta las 10:30 AM es el horario durante esta primera semana de adaptación. Al momento de ir a retirarlos las maestras no presentaron quejas de ninguno de los niños, Christopher las dejo encantadas y el quedo emocionado al punto tal que no paro de hablar de sus maestras. Orienten y enseñen a sus niños, prepárenlos para este momento, hay padres que se han tenido que quedar alli hasta que el niño sale de su clase y no es la idea. Gracias por leer.

At the beginning it was difficult, Christopher cried and he was sticking his leg to his father, saying that he would not stay alone there, after a few minutes the teachers in a very pedagogical way made the child come to his senses and he was able to stay calm. He adapted quickly, perhaps the arrival of a classmate motivated him to be calm, from 7:00 AM until 10:30 AM is the schedule during this first week of adaptation. At the moment to go to retire them the teachers did not present complaints of none of the children, Christopher left them enchanted and he was excited to the point that he did not stop talking about his teachers. Orient and teach your children, prepare them for this moment, there are parents who have had to stay there until the child leaves the classroom and it is not the idea. Thank you for reading.

Todas las imágenes fueron tomadas desde mi teléfono Redmi S2 por mi hijo adolescente Deivis Coraspe

All images were taken from my Redmi S2 phone by my teenage son Deivis Coraspe.

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