Visiting Elia Village in Crete, Greece

A beautiful, picturesque and worth-to-visit village in Crete.

Elia Village.

Elia is a beautiful village spread over a verdant, green slope with aromatic plants and colorful flowers, with ancient olive trees and carob trees, and resembles a small village hidden in Cretan nature. At the entrance of the village, there is the central square that is paved with setts and there, during the summer months, various events and feasts with food and dancing take place gathering a lot of visitors, locals and foreigners. In the center of the village, the church of Agios Panteleimonas, dating back to 1911 and being the protector of the village, is located

I was very impressed the moment I walked at this village. Clean, taken care of.
On that day, a festival was taking place and they were preparing food, Cretan music and more.

Unfortunately I could not stay more, but I did stay long enough to enjoy two long walks. Nevertheless, I had a great time and I have left many streets unvisited - so that I can go back soon :)

I loved the lovely doors and their details. It was afternoon and there were some interesting shadows in some parts of the village


This was a very beautiful door, at an abandoned house with a very impressive yard!


This is how it seemed from outside


And a couple of details, a broken part of the door & marmars.


Walking, I found more quiet spots like this one.

(I tried to upload the video via ecency app, not sure if it will appear here)

The view from the side of the Village was just beautiful!


But I kept looking at the doors and the nice houses.


I was informed that many people come and restore old houses here, choosing to stay at this village that is not so far from Heraklion city.


Some windows


And more!


I always admire the flowers around the houses. Colorful and giving a special vibe to the stone houses!


For some reason, this became one of my favorite shots!


When you enter the village, you see these lovely ceramic and flowers:


Which door would you open if you could only open one of them


Beautiful details show probably which houses used to belong to wealthy owners. Maybe they still are.


Many of the houses had signs of years in the beginning of 1900


This door was probably created in 1916


And some of the houses were so impressive that I would really like to look inside too!


You can check out some of my videos here:

A plane is about to land

Around the church:

I heard a story that there used to be a big olive tree in the village center but it was later cut of, but gave the name to the Village. Elia means Olive tree in Greek.

It is mentioned (according to wikipedia as Elia or Glia since 1583, when it had a few hundred of citizens only.

I left with positive feelings and understood how much I am missing not to know all our villages :) But there is still time to explore, there is always time!

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