My Heart is in the Lil Kingdom

In my happy place, the sunsets paint the world in a kaleidoscope of colors. (Unknown)

I can be happy anywhere (sounds cliché yet it's true), it's in the Lil Kingdom as I call it, where my heart finds utmost peace and bliss. The property belonged to my parents and they may have known I was going to love it they willed the whole of it to me even before I settled down.

While our house was built on my parent's other estate, the hubby and I relocated here at the end of 2019 because we felt the area had its charms (and it does).

We don't have the first view of the sun as it rises in the morning but enjoy beautiful skies, and on some occasions, we are awed by the sea of clouds blanketing the hills below us. Some people have to pay (travel far) to witness similar scenery.

Also, we get to watch amazing displays and bursts of colors on sundown. They were my favorite things to photograph before we brought Anyongi home. Unfortunately, I cannot access the archives as they are on the other computer. I did share many of them in the past.

Anyway, the first two below are from a few days ago.

And although we may be in the most secluded place in the community, we had easy access to what matters most.

It is an hour and a half drive to my parent's place and an hour at most to my in-laws.

It takes about 10 minutes for a vehicle to reach the valley where we occasionally run to and enjoy quick dishes when we are not in the mood to cook and where our Anyongi get to touch the grass.

Depending on who drives, it takes around 20-30 minutes to the busiest heart of town where hospitals and other important services are.

Well, not to forget that we can also get to the woods in a jiffy (although we rarely go for a hike these days).

In our Lil paradise, we can grow different things in the garden. Mostly flowers, and a few years ago, various edibles. The spaces here allow us to have a sustainable supply of veggies for the kitchen table if we have the patience and passion.

Here, we do not have nosy neighbors, lol!

And our little guy feels at home too. 🤗

While another place out of town is warmer and welcoming, I am not sure if I will ever have the heart to leave this place permanently (unless I sleep forever). The hubby felt the same way too.

The photos might not show much about the place, but what we feel as we spend our days here matters. And there ends my wee story for the day in participation to July INLEO. Thank you for coming along and here's to a fantabulous new week!

All photographs are mine. Similar but not exactly the same photos may have been shared in some of my posts before. 08072024/21:37ph

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