Trip to Bavaria, Kharkiv - Winter Walk, Meet Ordin | My Weekend

It was a shivering cold day today like real winter days. The temperature was -14 degrees Celsius and everything was frozen and snowy around due to yesterday's snowfall. Due to climate change and its huge impact, we didn't see much snow around for a long time, snow always gets melted after falling. I haven't been around lately, most of the time stayed at home, keeping myself warm and cozy. I am not a fan of winter but I am also not that person who loves to stay at home 24/7. I go out sometimes for a walk but last week I kept myself locked at home almost. Don't ask me, I was pretty depressed. I went to only megastore or superstore to buy accessories and groceries like a robot and just came home. My work or part-time work will start soon, around the end of January so I am having quite boring days lately.

So suddenly when I got a chance to go to the countryside, I didn't hesitate. I completely ignored the cold, snowy days and was focused on the trip. Of course, it was a short trip, we went to the outside of the city for a change. The location is known as New Bavaria, located at Zhovtnevy District near Kharkiv City. It is a small suburban area, very close to the city with basic utilities.

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Bavaria is an old town considered as a part of Kharkiv city but not developed at all. There are government territorial offices, a supermarket, and of course residential buildings and villas.

I have never been out to the countryside during winter so it was the best chance to see the snowy winter countryside. Very calm, small, and quiet town with nice friendly people who speaks Russian. From the city, one can visit this town by bus or taxi. People mostly use buses or taxis here but those who have cars, are blessed.


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We took a taxi and drove to New Bavaria park which was located near the hospital. The area was quite populated and it was an easy spot to start the exploration.

Meet Ordin:

While walking in the park, we have found this beautiful Husky Baby boy. His name was Ordin, 7 month old husky. I have seen husky before and I am familiar with their characteristics a little bit. He was with his owner and was busy sneaking around rather than focusing on humans.

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He was not friendly at all and he doesn't like strangers I think. When he saw me, his eyes were saying like get out, you are on my way. I talked to his owner and took some photos as well. Suddenly he came near to me for a pet and then again he just went away.


Huskies love snow and Ordin is not exceptional, he loves the snow in fact he loves playing with the snow. And of course, last but not least he is a very active dog...


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Here are some photos of Ordin's, tried to take some good photos but no luck.

Because of the freezing cold, my hands were shaky and soon I lost interest in taking photos. Unfortunately, I forgot my winter hat at home so I was having a headache in the middle of nowhere because of the cold wind.





Honestly, there was nothing to see except bared trees and the snow. There was silence all around and only the sound of freezing cold wind. People say that ice can sing, I never heard the song of the ice. But yesterday I felt the silence of nature today.



There were not many people around, I guess it was because of the weather and weekend. People preferred staying at home. Somehow old soviet apartment buildings caught my eyes. They are way older than the city buildings. Some of them had broken windows which they tried to fix little for the winter, I wondered if they have any lift or not. I have seen some 6-7 storied buildings do not have any lift, people take stairs.

The sky was cloudy, with no sun but a little bit of bright day.




We walked a little bit here and there and decided to get back home. We spend around 4 hours there, went to the nearest shop for a cup of coffee and walked into the park for a while.

To be honest, my jacket saved me a lot otherwise I would have ended up being sick.

One thing I have realized today, I was feeling cold but I was enjoying the shivering winter. Don't know why but the silence was whispering to me as I needed it. It was mandatory, going out, walking somewhere new where I have never been before.

I was kinda tired today after returning home but I was satisfied. Somehow I left my depression within the snowy park and came home with a new perspective.

Can I live in such a place? I think I can...


That's all for today, folks...

Until next time... Have a nice day everyone...

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"I am @priyanarc... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily..."


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