A Short story Near "Poland- Germany Border" - A Girl with her dog

Today I and my dog Gigi had a good long walk. She was ill and after a long time, I noticed that she was feeling much better today. She seemed happy and was enjoying the frosty morning. Today the temperature here is -2 degree celsius. It is not much cold for me because I survived in harsh cold weather in Ukraine. But the main point is I have realized that Gigi is so attached to the cold weather and she really enjoys the snow, ice, and frost. I thought labradors are not snow-dogs but as she grew up in Ukraine, she likes snow. So, me and Gigi; we both had a play time together. I think she misses snow a lot. Her big ears seemed like flying because of the wind and it was really funny to watch.

Every day I take one step to settle down here and every day I feel the necessity/essential things missing. People here in the Netherlands help each other a lot but still, it's not enough. When I fled from the war, I only had one small bag with me. In my mind, I thought I will return soon but 1 year is almost gone. The most important thing is the documents, some of them I left in Ukraine and now I don't how to get them. I left one of my cell phones at home and yesterday I received a suspicious log-in notification on my social media which was really concerning. Well, the good thing is nothing bad happened and I recovered the account quickly... I don't know what's happening at my home in Kharkiv, whether somebody breakout in the apartment or not; everything is confusing and concerning. You might be thinking maybe there is someone who can help me out but look, here is the problem. I used to live alone and I was an immigrant; so I don't have anyone there who can help me out. Besides the apartment key is with me...


Anyway, I lost many things while fleeing from the war, money, documents, an essential diary with passwords, and so on... Many of you might already know about my journey, and how I have survived the war. It's been a long time since I left home, city but whenever I think about those moments, I feel scared. The scariest experience in my life was traveling from Kharkiv to Poland. Only I know how I did it and made my journey holding my entire heart in hand and leaving my good life behind. I don't talk about my journey here; even I don't say people where I am from. If I say that I am from Ukraine, the general answer I get is; "you don't look like a Ukrainian". I find it offensive because how people can think that other colored people can't be from Ukraine. Recently, some started showing a pitiful attitude, some say you guys are lucky, Europe gave you shelter...

My journey from Poland to the Netherlands was not hectic at all, in fact, it was pretty comfortable. In the beginning, we had difficulties finding proper transport because I had a dog. Train for Ukrainians was not accepting dogs at that moment and travel by air was very expensive. So, the only way was private transport. Well, with the help of the Polish community, we got a van that decided to drop us at Dan Haag. The cost was high, around 300 euros for me and 120 euros for my dog. The journey was around 18 hours and I was happy that I finally got transport for us.


It was snowing the day when we left Poland. The driver picked us up from the desired location and we started our journey around 4.30 am in the morning. Gigi was comfortable and got a nice seat for herself... Look at her wearing the muzzle, isn't she looked cute?

The journey was really long and the van was picking up the people from here and there. I was sleepy but I didn't sleep at all.



Around 12.00 pm, we reached the Wojska Polskiego highway. Wojska Polskiego means Polish Armed Forces. On our way, the driver took a lot of breaks and I also got the chance to walk with Gigi as well for 5 minutes.

Wojska Polskiego highway is located in northwest Poland at Szczecin (capital of West Pomeranian Voivodeship in northwestern Poland). All I know was we were near the German border and the driver was saying that this was our last stoppage. The spot he stopped the van was Zajazd Chrobry. It was a nice hotel but at first, I thought it might be a highway restaurant or motel... Anyway, I didn't go inside, I was just walking around with Gigi...

The place is also known for the parking for cars and buses...




The hotel was interesting, with different architecture. Reminded me of country cottages and motels. Also saw the Szczecin flag... Hotel rooms are separated from the reception area...Kinda cottage-style villas...

It was not so cold, sunny and clear day... I randomly took some interesting photos...

I was not in the mood for exploration because many things were ongoing in my mind at that moment. Besides my mental health was not good at that time so I walked with Gigi. From Zajazd Chrobry Torzym to Frankfurt, Germany via car was 6 hour's journey but I think we reached Frankfurt within 4 hours.



Our next stopage was Porta Westfalica, Germany. It is a town and the driver stopped the van near a petrol pump. It was evening, gloomy cold weather with a dark sky. I was happy thinking finally I made it to Germany and only a few more hours to go to reach the Netherlands.

After 18 hours of a long journey, we reached the Netherlands safely... It is not an iconic travel experience but it is memorable. My first ever travel experience in Europe as a refugee. Ironic isn't it... It could be worst but we had reached safely and Gigi was okay too...

I wish in life, nobody has to go through such phases in life that I had to go through...

Thanks for reading... See you soon...



I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily...

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All images used are captured by the author...

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