Talkin' 'bout the transgender agenda.

If Hive had sub-titles, I would have sub-titled this post: 'A Love Letter To Hive'. I don't think that there's anywhere else on the planet that I could speak critically of transgender issues, and not get cancelled. I suppose that it's possible I could still get downvoted into obsolescence, but by now, I'm sure you good people have learned that I don't spare too many fucks for inconsequential consequences.

Speaking of fucks, I'd like to start there, with this rant. I think it will clear a lot of air between trans and cis (if I'm not using the words right... see the last half of the last sentence of the last paragraph) by sharing a truth that few people have acknowledged. I know why the vast majority of cisgendered hetero people get so freaked out by transgendered people.

It's because they don't understand how the sex works.

I know that it just sounds too simple to be true, but it's really that simple. They don't understand how you get down, and they just can't figure out how to get down with that. There's not really a polite way for them to ask, so it leads to a lot of uncomfortable interactions.

That's why they think you have an agenda. They don't know how you're fuckin', so you must be up to something.

Poking a little fun at the conservative fear of a transgender agenda is only part of the reason for that title. You have to admit, it's fun to say. The Transgender Agenda! It just rolls off the tongue! I wonder if it's already the name of a drag club?

I can understand why Politically Conservative people, especially Politically Conservative men, are afraid of transgender people. Having spent more than a little time among both communities, I can tell you, those trans bitches are tough. If you get them mad enough to come at you, they're going to kick your ass, and probably tell you how ugly you are while they do it. Politically Conservative men are afraid of everything that can kick their ass.

I know I sound like an 'ally' so far, and that's because I really am. I do, however, have a few pointers for the trans community that will help improve relations with the rest of the world.

For starters, if you choose a plural pronoun, you need to expect people to struggle with that. After thousands and thousands of years of referring to a singular person using singular descriptive words, you can't expect humanity to change in a handful of years. If I need to ask 'you' for help, I won't immediately think to ask 'you all' for help, because if you do help, by yourself, you're only bringing one person. I feel like wide adoption of the universal pronoun y'all could help with this.

Another thing, trans people, and I know this is difficult, but if you want people to accept you for who you are, you need to accept yourselves for who you are, and admit that you have a mental illness. If you think that something is wrong with your body, when the thing that is actually wrong with your body is in your brain (which IS part of your body), then you have what is called a mental illness. Just because we've developed ways to 'fix' your body so it accommodates your mental illness, does not change the fact that you have an abnormal mental condition which affects a very small proportion of the population. It's okay. We can still love you, and you can still love yourself, just the way you actually are.

Hmmm... maybe I could have sub-titled this post 'How To Piss Off Everyone In 600 Words'. Well, if you're too upset by anything I've said here, you could always refer back to the last half of the last sentence of the first paragraph, and seek comfort there. I know it works for me.

I want to thank you, COMmunity (seriously, Amir, that title was brilliant!), for bringing me inspiration. For months now, I've been struggling to get words on a screen. Reading what you guys post really clears my head sometimes, and fills me with inspiration. There's nothing like a good laugh to reset your internal WiFi router!

Keeping with my theme of unusual sexual identities, here's a photo of 5 bullfrogs in my pond, doing... um... well, I'll just say that it probably isn't whatever we're all thinking they're doing, because that's not how bullfrogs do it. I previously used this photo for another post, which also talks briefly about bizarre sexual behavior. If that's your kink, you can SEE THAT POST HERE!!!


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