A bazaar of the bizarre, enter if you DARE!


Humans are bizarre creatures. We're the only thing on the planet smart enough to steer our own evolution, but too dumb to use that kind of knowledge to our benefit. We readily imagine gods, but have a hard time understanding our reality. We may be the only thing on the planet that actively seeks its own destruction.

For example, I have a bizarre tendency to be contrary, just to be contrary. After reading that redundancy can reduce my rating, and being a longlasting lover of alliteration (a redundancy of consonants, you could say), I have a bizarre urge to see how many times I can say bizarre and still land a top three spot.

Do you ever wonder if there were any bisexual czars? It probably wouldn't be bizarre, unusual sexual proclivities are much more normal (especially among people with the power to realize their fantasies) than most people would like to admit. There might have been enough of these hypothetical bi czars to have their own bazaar, and that would be bizarre.

Would the previous two paragraphs be considered 'taking a piss'? I have an English (or British, or whatever is PC to call people born in the south of the UK) aunt (make sure you pronounce that properly, you lazy Americans) who could probably explain the intricacies of the phrase, but she hates when I ask questions like that.

Does this post seem bizarre? Wasn't that the point?

I'm sure it can get wierder. We haven't even started talking about the picture yet.

Since I spun this alt, I swear the POB community has been speaking to me subliminally through this weekly contest. That's a shitty first sentence, which is why that's no longer the first sentence. I'm going to start over again. You won't notice until you get to this paragraph, though. It's a bizarre time game I like to play when a post is boring me.

Did I mention I'm also trying to push the limits of the new judging criteria with the picture? It's an original picture, taken at the gay bullfrog bath house in my back yard, but I've used it before. I used it with my other account, though, and I bet if I didn't tell on myself nobody even would have noticed. I have a bizarre compulsion to be honest.

Honestly, I don't know WTF is going on in this picture, but when I see 5 frogs in a conga line, well, I take out my camera. Is that bizarre? Well, you're the weirdo who clicked on that green blob of a picture, and then read this far, so don't judge me. I like that it's just a green blob when you see it as a thumbnail, but when it's enlarged... BOOM! A quintet of bullfrogs in (what looks like) a sex chain, staring you right in the eye. It's sneaky, but never dishonest. A bizarrely powerful, paradoxical picture, persistently pecking my pineal gland. That sentence was a code for how the #pob-wotw has been speaking to me in code.

So, if you haven't noticed yet, there's no moral to this story. This post is pure enter-taint-ment. Or not, depending on your sense of humor, vocabulary, attitude toward amphibian sexuality, and other psychological factors. I would make a chart that explains it all, but I didn't bother to read the one explaining the judging criteria, I'm sure not going to make one of my own. It's taken me long enough to figure out base level formatting on this POB front end. In fact, I'm not going to claim I've got it figured out until after it posts; I thought I had it figured out last time I used it, and when I saw that post in Ecency, it looked like a stray cat jumped on my keyboard.

Don't think I'm talking down about the POB front end, I like that it's different, and not particularly well explained. I like puzzles, and problem solving. I absolutely LOVE that there is no spell checker. I don't know how the hell you guys pulled that off, but it's fantastic. Erry once in a while, I likes to spells it likes they sez it, and fuckin' spell checkers HATE that shit! Shit, are there points taken off for profanity? Maybe I should look at the chart. Ugh, charts. Meh. I'll take my fuckin' chances.

Short form... long form... for a free country, I sure have to spend a lot of my time filling out forms. It's almost like someone is trying to keep a record of everything I do. Not bizarre at all. That's not where I intended to go with this paragraph, I meant to say that I almost submitted this entry as just the picture of the frogs. I figured I couldn't get much shorter form than a single picture, even if it is worth a thousand words. Then I figured I could try to find the shortest, most bizarre word anyone could think of. I didn't see any rules saying I couldn't enter more than once (but I'm not sure I read all the rules).

For that matter, I didn't see any rules saying I couldn't enter more than once per post. So, the frog orgy picture is my first entry, short form. The words are my second entry, long-ish form. The post in its entirety is my third entry, long-ish form mixed media. My fourth entry is the shortest, most bizarre word I could think of.

Ego. #pob-wotw

I also thought of entering just the word (letter, I say) I. I is especially bizarre, especially in my case. I thought it was too obvious, though. I hope you'll see it that way, too.

I'm biting my nails about not commenting. I smoke too much weed to try filtering which posts are entries or not. Also, what if someone comments on my post before they post an entry, so I interact with them, but then they post an entry later? Hmmm, maybe I should try to get some people DQ'd before I post this.

Don't hate the player, hate the game. How the hell do I get an evil smile emoji in here? };D

Have I gotten a laugh? A chuckle, a chortle, a smirk? If so, please leave a comment, especially if you're entering the wotw contest this week. Do it now, before you have a chance to think about it and make a good decision. C'mon, all your friends are doing it. You wanna be cool, don'cha? He can't really disqualify ALL of you, can he, if everyone does it? I think we should all just leave comments on each other's posts. You go first.

At least I'm making myself laugh.

Let's wrap this up now, before the form gets too long. I'm probably already talking to an empty room. If you hung in there, thanks for reading! I'll end the post with one of my favorite tricks, an example of the #1 rule in showbiz, always leave them wanting a little mor

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