Come and see miracle fuel

Hello hivians,hope you are all doing well?

As a teacher, I have come to understand that kids will always be kids with their naughtiness and mischievous behavior.

Something a kid said to me today at work caused me to remember something hilarious from when I was a kid which I will be sharing with you all.


So it happened that while we were at the library, for reading session that the power supply was cut off (this happens a lot in my country). Then this little boy, one of my pupils said to me, amidst the grumbling of the other classmates concerning the power supply, he said....

"Ma, please put on the generator so that we can have light"(electricity)

"There is no fuel for the generator, so we cannot use it" I replied

The boy was unrelenting and he said "is it only fuel they put in the generator? let's pour water into the generator and it would start

"Eh!,what is this one, who told you about this?"I asked laughter almost escaping my lips

He then told the class,how it was done on a kiddies program he had watched recently and the class could not help laughing.

Now the reason for my laughter is because I had done something similar when I was 7years old.

Back in the day, we were not privileged to view as many cartoons as there are nowadays. I remember that television program begins by 4pm and cartoons are scheduled from 4pm to 6pm. I also remember two major cartoons I loved to watch then, they were Voltron and Fantastic Four.

I especially liked Voltron with it's opening theme as defender of the universe. I saw myself as a defender of the universe,hehe ( not anymore o, I cannot kill myself).

On that eventful day, I came back from school and met power supply on. I quickly took a shower,had my lunch and positioned myself before the television,like a boss lady.

Voltron was the first cartoon and I joined in singing the theme song,hehehe...when halfway into the program the power supply was cut off, chai! that was a bad blow to me as I worried over how I was going to finish watching the cartoon.

We had a small generator popularly called tiger gen kept at the backyard. I quickly went to get my dad to come and put it on for me, so that I could continue with my program.

My dad came, he checked and found out that there was no fuel in the generator. When he told me about it,I began to throw a tantrum. To pacify me, my dad said he would go buy fuel and I calmed down.

My dad left to buy fuel and he spent a lot of time(according to my small mind) and so I decided to help him out. I recalled my Sunday school teacher telling us of a miracle of how water became wine through faith.

I wanted my dad to be proud and pleased with me and so I did what my 7 year old brain advised. I took water in a glass cup and poured it into the fuel tank of the generator


I kept adding water until the tank was full, then I closed the fuel tank and continued waiting for my dad to come back but this time with joy as I felt he would pat me on the back,hehe.

Soon my dad returned and as he opened the fuel tank to pour in the fuel,he exclaimed and that got my attention as this was not the reaction I was expecting.

I ran to the backyard to meet my dad and when he asked me who put water in the fuel tank. I fearlessly told him that I wanted to perform a miracle the way we were taught in Sunday school. I told my dad that the water had become fuel,hehehe.

My dad burst out laughing, that he could not scold me. I knew I deserved an ear full because the tiger generator did not start and it had to be taken to a mechanic but since then until now it has not returned home.


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Thanks for reading...Shalom

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