My Cousin Tells Me I Should Work for NASA

Source: Pixabay

So I was thinking of a really good material to write for my next post because my last post didn't do so well. I made a stupid mistake of posting my humor-themed article on a community that promotes freewriting. (Yeah, I know.) If you're curious to know what my article is about and what's so humorous about it, there's a link at the end of this article.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, let's proceed.

Source: Pixabay

Do you remember the time when you were just a kid and your older siblings or cousins would ask you some simple math problems like; 1+1 or 2+2? Yeah, you probably had a hard time answering that question back then but not me. I was way ahead of the kids my age.(I was just 4 when I learned arithmetic)

Now my cousin "Albert" wanted to test my math skills, right? But he didn't know that I already know how to add, minus, multiply and divide numbers. So he asks me;

Albert: Hey Cous'! What is 4+5?
Me: That's easy. It's 9.
Albert: [Laughs] Okay! I'll give you something harder. What is 5+4?
Me: Really? What's the difference? I know you're looking for the sum but what is the effin' difference?
Albert: Just answer the effin' question, wise-ass!
Me: Well, it's also 9.
Albert: Ha! That's 2 out of 2. Not bad. Well, how about this? What is 2 million + 2 million?
Me: Ahmm...

Source: Pixabay

[I knew that 2+2 was 4 but he said million & It was the first time I've heard of the word million so it took me a while to come up with an answer. But then I recalled what my Mom taught me, 2 apples + 2 apples equals 4 apples. So I said to myself maybe if I replace the word apple with million I'd get the right answer. So i told him.]

Me: The answer is.. [Not sure if my answer is correct]
Albert: Just give up already and I'll tell you the answer.[Laughs]
Me: 4 million.
Albert: Wait, what!? [Looking at me in disbelief]

Source: Unsplash

Albert: So you know how to add numbers. Well, I'm not easily impressed and adding numbers is elementary. I'm gonna give you a really difficult math problem. Are you ready?
Me: Oh! I was born ready!
Albert: Do you know Algebra?
Me: No. Who is she? Your girlfriend?
Albert: It's a math subject, dumb-ass! Okay here it goes.....What is 3x + 4x?

[In my head I was thinking he just replaced "million" with "X", so I just used the same principle.]

Source: Pixabay

Me: (Pretending I was having a hard time)
Albert: Hahaha! You're not gonna get this one they only teach this in...
Me: 7x.
Albert: What the.. [Looking confused] How the f*ck did you know the answer to that question?

Instead of answering his question I just gave him a shrug. And then he starts laughing like a maniac. Then he tells me;

Albert: You know what you are?
Me: What?
Albert: You're a Genius! That's what you are. You should work for NASA.
Me: NASA? What's that?
Albert: It's a place where all the geniuses of the world work. They invent things, build rockets and spaceships so they could explore space. They even sent people to the Moon. If you work for them they might send you to Mars and live there.

Source: Pixabay

Me: What's in Mars?
Albert: Nothing. It's a dead planet.
Me: Eeehh.. I don't know about that cous'. I mean, life is already hard as it is here on Earth and it's a living planet. Now, you want me to live in a dead planet. I might as well just shoot myself in the head.

End of story.

Thank you for reading this article till the end I hope you enjoyed it. Special thanks to @indayclara @jacobtothe If you want me to write more articles similar to this please support me by giving me an upvote, follow me and tell me what you think about the article in the comment section. And my name is @baby.magic & that's it for now. Jah bless!

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