An Intro for Cigarette Money for Chain-smokers.

Whenever you think about joining a community, you always start by introducing yourself. But my name is not important for now, at least not yet. You see, the reason why I wanna join PEAKD is because my brother (@baninan) told me that I can make money by posting articles on the internet. And judging by the tone of his voice, he was probably sick and tired of watching me just lying on the couch all day & asking everybody for cigarette money. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I mean, being unemployed is a choice. Why force yourself to work for pennies when you can ask your kin for.. well,..pennies. And in the immortal words of my late grandfather which I still remember up to this day is that "You should utilize whatever resources you have. Which I did. And since I don't have a job but my siblings do then why not ask them for a little cash. That's one way of utilizing your resources, pretty genius right? Yeah..yeah.. I know that's not what my grandpa meant but that's how I interpret it.

So there I was listening to my brother talking about this website that pays you for every article you write & then he tells me that I can also make money just by leaving a like on the article. And I was like... Really?! My face was like that of a lazy person who just discovered an easy way to make money. In my head I was thinking if I leave a like on a million articles & I do it on a daily basis I would be a millionaire in no time. Just imagine me having a big smile & a stupid look on my face at that moment. My brother kept on explaining how it works but I wasn't hearing any of it. I was just there grinning & daydreaming about what I'm gonna do once I have my millions. So my brother slaps my hand and asks me what the hell I was grinning about. So I told him about what I was thinking & let me tell you I was in the zone. I was so pumped, I was like a tech startup pitching my idea on Shark Tank. And do you know what his response was?

He tells me it's not gonna work 'coz there's not that many articles & he thought about it too. I felt like Chris Rock being face-slapped by Will Smith. He just had to ruin the moment. With my dreams shattered & my heart broken I just told him that I'll just write a really good article & maybe.. just maybe I'd make millions off of it. Yeah that's right, I'm not giving up on my dream of being a millionaire just yet.

So I pick up a pen and a piece of paper & I lie on the couch thinking about what topic I'm gonna write about. I lie there for maybe an hour and guess what.. I fell asleep. You could just tell how excited I was about writing again. You ask how? Well, let me explain something to you.. when your brain is worked up thinking about ideas & topics your body tends to get tired and so you get sleepy & eventually you fall asleep. It's not because I'm lazy. Speaking of which I actually wrote a song about laziness.. again not 'coz I'm lazy. You can sing it however you like & it goes like this.

        I'm breezy and I'm lazy
        And my life is not easy
        And I think I'm going crazy
        'Coz I don't have any money

Yeah?.. Oh Yeah?.. No? You don't think it's not gonna be a hit? Well, that's alright 'coz I don't intend to write songs any way. I'm here to write articles about anything & everything under the sun. It was worth a shot though.

So that's my introduction & my name is @baby.magic. And that's it for now.
Jah Bless!

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