Climbing Streak

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to chat a little bit about how intense it was to do rock climbing 3 days in a row LOL


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Climbing Streak

Three days in a row, does that sound pathetic to you? Well in my 20's I think it would but these days, it was actually freaking tough lol

The little man and I were having fun the other day, I had an extra day off work and it worked out because the weather was kind of crappy so we decided to hit the rock gym like we normally do at least once on the weekend except this time we said screw it, let's go for it 3 days in a row! In hindsight it wasn't the best idea.. but it was still a whole lot of fun!

This was also a double score in that there is already a rock climbing community here on Hive, and it's not a dead one. It gets posted in every few weeks which is fine, it's a little bit of a niche community.. but it's good to have one nonetheless!


Indoor rock climbing is definitely one of my new favorite passions for so many reasons. I was always a climber as a kid but I really didn't know what it was except for just climbing. I lived next to a large patch of forest which was awesome because I could get up there any day of the week just by walking a little bit and I was in the woods with lots of boulders and giant things to climb on. This provided quite a bit of entertainment! With moving away from my parents house years ago, I lost touch with that type of stuff for quite a while.

Fast forward a few years ago, my wife and I did it a couple times before we had our son and it was a lot of fun! I didn't really do it since then, taking care of the kiddo and family was more important than that but last year I got back into it by going climbing one day and then I brought my son a few weeks later and he was hooked! It's a great way to have some really fun exercise.


What I mostly enjoy about it as well is that my son likes it. He likes most of the things that I do which is great but I know he's going to grow out of a number of these things which is okay, but if there's one thing that I hope I can get him to stick with it's climbing. It's such incredible exercise but it's also incredibly analytical and is a lot more complicated than I thought when I did it the first few times! Yeah you can go up a wall and shit but if you really want to get good at it, you have to strengthen yourself quite a bit but also figure out the most efficient and smoothest way to do some of the movements so that you minimize expended energy and maximize movement in a certain direction.

I'm definitely by no means incredible at it but I would like to think that I could fair pretty well out in the wilderness for a climb! I don't know if I would feel confident enough to rope climb a mountain right now but maybe a good sized boulder lol.


The thing I like about it as well is with the gyms that we go to, they are always changing things up and moving the sets around. It provides quite a bit of interesting elements and differences each time we go. We have a few gyms near us so we were able to hit 3 of them in the days that I was off which was a lot of fun. This also provided the necessary change of scenery for each time we were going so that it wasn't the same routes you were trying day in and day out. That's definitely a fun thing to do, but having variety is much better!


I have never taken my phone up with me on a climb but I wanted to take a little bit of an action shot from the top lol this was me topping a 35 foot wall, at least I think it was 35 feet. I know the auto-belay said it was a 40 foot cord which doesn't sound like a lot.. but when you're up there at the top it is a little dizzying to look down lol. I get a little nervous when I am repelling backwards and putting my faith in the lord that it won't snap and destroy my hahaha. It's so much fun though, and I love the challenge of topping these crazy high walls!


The bad part of 3 days of climbing though.. my poor son got so worn out that he got sick! I felt terrible but he recovered to a better state in a few days which was good. I know that we won't be doing 3 days in a row climbing again until he's a bit older lol but he did great overall! I thought that I would be able to handle it ok, but he rocked it like a little champ! It was awesome to see.

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