Labui Ancient Mosque Trip

Hello travel, how are you all, I hope you are well. Well, my travel lovers, this time I had the opportunity to travel to the city of Sigli. This city has a very large history, compared to other cities in the province of Aceh, Indonesia, including the city of Banda Aceh where the majority of the population comes from that city. Sigli. especially since the 2004 tsunami. many people died as a result of the tsunami, so people from Sigli, mostly moved to the city of Banda Aceh to settle there. So here I want to share with you and show you some of the previous sites that have become tourist attractions for travel and cultural heritage, especially for local people, as well as for foreign tourists. I see them when they arrive in this city, they will visit some old sites or buildings that have stood for hundreds of years and some new buildings that have appeared. and currently, I'm still in the city of Sigli. You can see more about my journey below...

This is a newly created pidie convention center building. Another name for this building is the MTQ Sigli building which is located at the intersection of Arakate Sigli-Banda Aceh Medan.

The building is fenced off, but that doesn't mean it's forbidden to enter. I was here only briefly while looking at the scenery around the building until I finally continued my journey back to my destination.

I stopped briefly to refuel or gas. because the motorbike I was carrying almost ran out of gas. At this gas station, I fill up with gas for my trip to the Masjid Raya Labui.

This gas station is the biggest place in this city, they are seen standing in line to refuel the motorbikes and cars they are traveling in.

After refueling, I had to continue my journey to my destination, the Labui Grand Mosque, until I arrived at this place...

This is the Great Mosque of Labui, I have arrived at this place by traveling from Jalan Sigli-Medan Banda aceh using a motorcycle. My heart skipped a beat as I stopped the motorbike and looked at the Ancient Mosque."

A journey about one of the kono mosques in aceh pidie and its uniqueness. The Great Mosque of Labui has been around for hundreds of years, since the Dutch and Japanese wars. This mosque has a very long life history.was established during the reign of Sultan Iskandarmuda.and began to be renovated again by a Chinese architect in 1916 without changing the original plan by uleebalang raja kuala usman. Until now it has been used as a cultural heritage by the government. One day though we will see that this religious centre is not only an old spiritual gathering but also a center where scholars are sharing their expertise with each other

What Makes This Mosque Stand Out? Hidden Versatile Great Mosque of Labui: A travel blog of mine about one of the ancient mosques in aceh pidie and what makes it unique!

Mosques can be inspiring and beautiful places to visit. I have visited some amazing mosques across the archipelago. They really calmed me down and made me want to deepen my religious practice. However, the Great Mosque of Labui in Aceh Pidie is different from the others. For example, there is the Potemeureuhom stick which is the hallmark of the mosque, but has the nuances of Chinese architecture.

The Great Mosque of Labui is not just a place for religious activities. But it also contains state government buildings, offices and other functions. Moreover, it is a complex cultural heritage that can be used to perform many other functions besides praying. That is why the Labui Mosque was able to stand the test of time as a place of worship for Muslims living around Aceh since the early years of Sultan Iskandarmuda's reign.

Thank you for visiting my travel blog. I hope the information is useful for you.


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