Venturing the Sea of Clouds: The Two Days Camping Experience

Hello, Good day everyone! I hope everybody is doing well and fine. Previously, I have shared my Bohol journey with you guys, and I did not expect to receive much support from you guys. I'm very grateful for that. Today, I'm going to share with you guys, a new travel destination that you might one to check out. This one is a little unfamiliar and very interesting place. This is the Dumingag, Sea of Clouds.

Senote The Sea of Clouds.png

edited via Canva
To be honest being chronically bored with life is a bitter pill to swallow. It feels so dull and nothing seems to make you happy or excited about things. That's why having to travel and explore to new places is a big luxury in life. Staying home is great and all but stay inside long enough might not be a good idea, and you'll start missing the outside world.

Let's Go Camping and Connect to the World


That's why camping is a great idea for everyone who seems lost, tired and unexcited about life. I decided to join in the 2 days camping with some of my very close friends in life. When you're camping in the wilderness , you get a chance to get in touch with the beauty of nature, encounter wildlife and see the stars away from the bright lights of the big city. There's nothing quite like it. Also, it makes us step outside of our comfort zone, resets our natural internal clock, relaxes, and most importantly reconnects people with nature and our environment.

Having a great place to relax, unwind and to contemplate in life is a great blessing and opportunity. Leave the overbooked scheduling of work at home. When you’re camping and outside, there’s no place to be at a certain time and moment , and nothing is interrupting you or competing for your attention. The natural outcome of this type of setting is stress reduction and relaxation and contemplation like you can’t find anywhere else.

Our Two Days Camping at Sea of Clouds


As many of you don't know, i lived in Dumingag, Zamboaga del Sur in the Philippines. In our municipality, there are a lot of underrated places to visit. Dumingag is a landlocked municipality in the coastal province of Zamboanga del Sur in the . The Municipality of Dumingag was once a complete vastness area , big trees, jungles and marshes and known as the habitat of wild life. It was the native Subanens who first inhabited the area, sometime in the later part of the eighteenth century up until the late nineteen century. These native Subanens came from the neighboring coastal towns of Misamis and Zamboanga del Sur, driven to the area by the influx of Christian imigrants from the Visayan provinces.

And because of its topography, Dumingag has a very diverse Barangay. There are 33 uplands barangay and 11 in the center of the municipality. One of most visited by barangay by local tourists is Senote. According to Phil Atlas, Senote is situated at approximately 8.1201, 123.2670, in the island of Mindanao. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 412.9 meters or 1,354.6 feet above mean sea level.

One of the most talk about in Senote is the Sea of Clouds.A sea of clouds is a vast layer of fogs or an overcast layer of stratocumulus clouds, as viewed from above, with a relatively uniform top which shows undulations of very different lengths resembling waves on the sea.


As early as 3 in the morning this sea of clouds start to form from the top of the mountain. The always moving thick clouds and the way the wind and the sunrays were playing into ever changing beauty of colors and patterns. The way the trees on the other side of the valley were playing hide and seek in the mist. It was all just wonderful.

From the municipal hall of Dumingag, it will just take 10 to 15 minutes to reach Senote. I and my friends decided to ride with just our personal motorcycle. We brought camping chairs, tent and foods essential for our 2 days camping. We also had cameras and drink.

The Beautiful Sunset



We arrived at Senote at exactly 5:30 p.m and it was the perfect time to witness the beautiful Sunset. Taking just a few minutes out of your day to experience some of the breath-taking moments of a sunset will be worth it. Sunsets are very romantic, inspiring and Instagram-able.The sunless sky covered the woods over the treetops which created a big canopy over my head. The crimson and auburn foliage was a magnificent sight to see,


For me, Sunset is a reflection of the beauty and majesty of nature as well as our own emotions, experiences, and perspectives in life.


Whether it's the end of a cycle, a fresh start, a moment of peace, or a time for reflection, sunsets offer us a powerful reminder of the beauty and mystery of life. Its just so refreshing and relaxing to see the beauty of a sunset.

Setting up Camp and Dinner


One of the most exciting parts about Camping is setting up your camp and assembling your tent.If you are in an established campsite, the rule is to make minimum impact and changes , and to use the established resources. So don’t build a fire in a new spot. Make your campfire in the established fire ring to avoid any accidents . Don’t harm live trees. Set up your tent on level ground, but where there is no depression to lead water into the tent.

In our case who is camping in the wilderness, we make sure that we look above and remain vigilant where we will be setting up our tent to ensure we won't be sleeping under a dead or broken tree limb that may come crashing down on us during the night (which is of course very scary) . Not to say we can't be under the tree canopy but don't be under limbs that are obviously compromised.


Finishing setting up camp was very fulfilling and fun. Now its time to prepare our dinner. We had some grilled meat and barbeque with some chips and cold beer. It was the perfect meal to set up outside. The vibes was just very relaxing. Upon watching the beautiful night sky, I realized many things, I believe that the twinkling stars are the most fascinating and amazing of all of God’s creations. If you look up into the night sky in an open field, where there are no lights, you will see a vast amount of stars dazzling beyond our eyes and imagination. The amount of stars is innumerable.


I use the night sky as a metaphor for my life. Life is so full of small bright spots and beautiful surprises, even in the darkest of times, that moment you feel alone but God is always there for you. To sum up, night one ended up with a Bang as everyone enjoys every activity and catching up we do.

Day 2: Experiencing the Beauty of Senote Sea of Clouds


At exactly 5 a.m, we are all awake to witness the Sea of clouds. It was cold as hell and the temperature is dropping. Getting up early could give me some much-needed (and desperately wanted) time for myself.

More time to sip that hot coffee slowly while enjoying the view.

"There is a morning inside you waiting to burst open into light." — Rumi


I appreciate the morning now for the time it gives me to appreciate God's blessings for another day. The breath taking view of the Sea of Clouds convinced me in the supremacy beauty of nature. The joy it brings to me stepping out into the fresh air. Seeing all the amazing creations all around me was just so mesmerizing.


We wasted no time and hurriedly check out the different view of Senote.I listen to all the sounds, to the whisper, the slight breeze among the leaves it gives. Seeing the light on that leaf and watch the sun coming over the hill, over the meadow. I hold my breath " Breathtaking indeed" This is truly a God's creation.
After taking all pictures, we ate breakfast and pack our tents and clean the area. Being in nature means being content with myself and my emotion, whether I’m on an adventure or admiring its beauty. Nature doesn’t judge me for who I am and I don’t judge back, it is what it is, so we might as well enjoy each other’s company.


My Take away in that Camping

During that camping, I had so much realization and contemplation. These are some of the important things that we usually took for granted

The Fresh Air

(My third outfit. This was very scary one)
The Fresh air!! We may not realize how scarce fresh air is in our day-to-day life. When we go camping, we get the wondrous scents of the outdoors, as well as the smell of dinner cooking over an open fire. The fresh air in Senote is incomparable. Things like this are sometimes the smallest one that we took for granted. Working the noisy and busy streets of a City , makes you appreciate a place like Senote.Air pollution can trigger allergies, asthma, and other respiratory diseases, which you may already know. But when you go camping, the forests offer air quality far superior to urban city areas, free from pollutants. The tranquility of the forest revitalizes our mind and spirit.

Digital Dextox


If you're really stressed with life, then i highly recommend to go camping where there is no signal or connection. Camping connect us with Mother Nature. In a world, where technology is at its peak, going on camping means less time on technology, devices equal more time to experience mother nature, get physical exercise, and practice mindfulness. Unplugging regularly helps us maintain a healthy balance between IRL (“in real life”) activities and the digital technology world. Ultimately, a digital detox is a way to disconnect to reconnect. Through out the camping , i realized that sometimes you just need a break from technology and experience the real thing. Just sit back and relax with a good book, draw in a sketchbook, or write in a journal and be with a good company of peers. In general, in the great outdoors and camping place like Senote, you don’t find computers, tablets or televisions and there’s so much else to do that does not require electronics.

The Chance to Connect with NATURE


Indeed the best way to connect with nature is to experience it. The camping itself gives me many life skills and new learnings. When we’re camping, we get a chance to get in touch with nature, encounter real wildlife and see the stars away from the bright lights of the big city. There’s nothing quite like it for sure. Spending nights outdoors outside our tent allows us to view constellations not visible at home and hear the sounds of nature, like the yips of cows and horse or the trills of songbirds. Camping is a great time to get back to the basics, without distractions. Sharing stories, indeed. One thing for sure, . Being so close to nature brought me a feeling I had never felt before this and something i could not explain. For the first time in my life I felt my roots in nature and a deep connection with it. Nature is all about balance. appreciation and harmony.
We lack these things because we mostly live inside the swirling pit of urbanized cities.
Sometimes, we escape, but so rarely, that such escapes can hardly help us re-establish our links and connection with nature.

In general, the trip and camping to Senote Sea of Clouds was so worth it as it gives me many realization and appreciation to our Mother Earth. The trip has unraveled my love nature’s beauty and existence. Each new experience brought me feelings of excitement and joy, sparkling my imagination and igniting my curiosity. Nature is a reality of life here on Earth. The definition of reality could be everything that cease to exist in an individual’s life. Realizing that the greatest things in life comes from the simplest one.


Now, i hope you also share your camping experiences here and comment down tips for best camping site.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. Until next time.


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