Blue Lagoon Tabina: Hidden Wonder of Zamboanga Del Sur, Philippines

Hello everyone! Today I'm gonna share with you a travel destination that might catch your interest.


It is indeed an innate desire for us to explore and discover new places. Traveling satisfies this curiosity and thirst for adventure. Navigating new environment helps us to break from routine, reduce stress, and rejuvenate the mind and body.

I lived in the region of Zamboanga del Sur,Philippines known for its diverse people living together in one community. We have the Muslims, the Subanen and Christians living and thriving harmoniously. And if you're not familiar with, Zamboanga del Sur is known for its agricultural products, including rice, corn, coconut, rubber, and various fruits and vegetables as well as its fishing industry which thrives along the coastline of the region.

Zamboanga del Sur is indeed an underrated place and local destination. One of its hidden gem is the Blue Lagoon which is located in the Municipality of of Tabina, Zamboanga del Sur.

Its actually my third visit there along with my friends and would still feel the excitement in a heartbeat.

Going to the Municipality of Tabina from the Capital city which is Pagadian only takes two hours riding a motorcycle. Then once you've reach the municipality, you will need to navigate Located in Brgy. Baganian, Tabina – this beach destination is sought after by locals and is getting recognition that it deserves.

To sum up the travel, you need to get first to the Capital city of Zamboanga del sur.

  1. Ride a bus heading to Pagadian City.
    2.Then At Pagadian, ride a van heading to the Municipality of Tabina in Zamboanga del Sur.( in our case, we ride with our own motorcycle)
    43 At the Tabina town proper, ride a tricycle heading to Blue Lagoon in Brgy. Baganian.


Upon reaching the Blue Lagoon, you will have to pay P20 for the environmental fee and the cottage for only 200 Pesos. Then you get to enjoy the scenic view and crystal clear water.


The surrounding waters are teeming with diverse marine life, making it a popular spot for diving and snorkeling which is always a must try.The locals also offer a life vest or life jacket worth 50 pesos.


This is indeed a very underrated place. Another great thing about Blue Lagoon, Tabina is that it is not crowded and there are only few people and visitors. This makes it a very special and solemn place for unwinding compared to many other famous Mindanao beaches.


Here you can enjoy taking pictures to the breathtaking views and if your not scared of height, you can jump of the cliff. Those who are bold and daring will surely enjoy jumping here.


This place is indeed a hidden spot and a treasure to the province.The Blue Lagoon in Tabina provides a perfect setting for relaxation and rejuvenation for family bonding and friends, allowing us to disconnect from their daily routines and responsibilities.


Upon going here for the third time, i have a lot of takeaways like this being in a natural setting fosters a sense of connection to the environment and can evoke feelings of awe and gratitude. In essence and perspective , traveling and exploring are essential for personal enrichment, cultural understanding, and overall well-being which is indeed a compelling reasons to travel and explore new places.



What are you waiting for? Come and visit the Hidden Wonder of Zamboanga del Sur.

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