Bukit Holbung | Indonesia - Enjoying the beauty of nature on Holbung Hill !

Greetings friends in the Hive community. Today I want to share our travel experience in #pinmapple community and this is our first post in pinmapple.

Holbung Hillis a hill located in the Lake Toba area. The journey from where I live takes six hours by car. Arriving at the foot of Holbung hill, I saw a spectacular view, namely mountains and Lake Toba. For those of you who don't know, Lake Toba is a volcanic lake located in the province of North Sumatra. This lake is the largest lake in Indonesia.

Before climbing the hill, I recommend taking a short break at a small shop.

While charging, you can order coffee or tea. You can enjoy the cool atmosphere of the mountains and the beautiful view of Lake Toba with a cup of coffee or tea.

After that, we prepared to climb Holbung hill by following the path. No need to worry about climbing the hill, this path has been cemented and is provided with stairs, so that visitors can reach the top of the hill more easily.

Even around the trail, there are several houses selling bottled drinks or cigarettes. So, if you are thirsty while walking towards the hill, you can buy drinks or bottled mineral water sold by local residents.

The journey following the path to the hill takes 25 minutes on foot.
The visitors I saw were so enthusiastic about reaching the top of the hill.

Maybe it's because they are young, while some of the older ones get tired quickly from climbing the stairs a lot. I salute their youthful spirit.

After arriving at the top of the hill, we immediately took pictures because the view from the top of the hill was very beautiful. Even the back pain that my friend experienced immediately healed when he saw the atmosphere on this holbung hill. The air is cool and fresh, the scenery is so beautiful. From above, we can see the countryside located at the foot of the mountain and the outskirts of Lake Toba.

The natural atmosphere that we can enjoy here will make us feel satisfied and calm. Because no pollution pollutes the surrounding air. On this hill, there are some beautiful pine trees and wildflowers that thrive here.

The part that I like the most is sitting and relaxing under the pine trees enjoying the view of Lake Toba with a cup of coffee.

If you want to visit here, I recommend bringing food and drinks. Because on the hill there are no people selling. You have to go downstairs to buy food or drinks if you don't bring lunch. And I think this place is also very good for camping and making grilled sausages while enjoying the beauty of the surrounding nature.

That's all I can say today, I hope you guys like this post. Don't forget to take a vacation to beautiful natural places so that stress can be lost. See you in the next post.

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