Sleeping & hunting mushrooms on top of mountain - Mali Travnik, Slovenia (1500 m)

“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.”
― Lao Tzu

Hoping your feeling hivemazing today!

Last weekend has been active with working longer hours on Friday, going on a drink and getting that 'call' from the top's of the mountains.

I really got a strong urge to escape everyday, away from people, everyday hurry, out of my comfort zone and out there in the wild with very low telephone signal, fresh air and amazing view's.

When I finished up everything, already had my car packed with all the essential's needed for going up in the mountains. My journey started at around 19.00 pm driving on a highway and on my way to the upper Savinja Valley yet again. This time I decided to drive on top of a mountain, get a nice sleep in the car and start with my day early.

Was amazed to see another car near the top where I parked my car, it was an older guy that also came up later in the day and decided to sleep in the car, till the sun comes back up, to be on the fresh air, having quality time with his dog and of course, hunt down those mushrooms! :)

Haven't found any edible mushrooms in the past 2 months so the urge of finding some delicious Summer cap or something like it has been huge lately. That's why the decision was made to try my luck up in the mountains, where there is high level of humidity threw the night and it rains way more often up there. Perfect for growing mushrooms.


Woke up at around 6 am, did a bit of stretching, while making myself some coffee, and getting ready for a long walk threw the tops, woods, and everything in between, to find some goodies.


The morning views were amazing as the sun started coming up, temperatures raised, with peace, without everyday noises, a ton of fresh air and great exercise walking all around the top, while being surrounded with cows, woods and rocks.

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Was determined to find at least enough for one mushroom soup even after 3 hours without any luck. It is also a very popular place for other hunters as well, but the best time is yet to come late September and onward, till it starts snowing.

(just don't tell anyone else, ha!)


After about three hours and a half I returned to my Passat and took a 5 minute drive down the road. Stopped on a well known spot, we always double checked that place when we went up there as family. About an hour later I was fortunate enough to find what I looked for. It filled me with motivation, positivity and satisfaction, knowing I also had a great time without my mind wondering everywhere, cleaning my mind, my body and soul in the process, getting an amazing exercise with a ton of fresh air and view's that calmed me and pleased my eyes.





After well over 4 hours of walking and hunting for mushrooms I decided to go back down. On my way back home I got a feeling to refresh myself, but was a bit too cold to jump in icy river Savinja, that's where I turned left and went for a nice swim in lake Velenje, then I headed home to rest and finish an amazing, quality Saturday.

Thank you for taking time to read, I wish you a good day or a good night and a good life.

Photos made with my Samsung Galaxy A52s

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
― Napoleon Hill

Till next time, stay hivemazing... Happy, Strong & Healthy my friends !

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