Memories In Somewhere #3: Candi Ijo in Yogyakarta


Prambanan and Borobudur are temples that are widely recognized by tourists as icons of Yogyakarta, Indonesia because of their high historical value. In addition, Borobudur is one of the 7 wonders of the world.

Prambanan dan Borobudur merupakan Candi yang banyak dikenal wisatawan sebagai ikon dari Jogja karena memiliki nilai sejarah yang tinggi. Selain itu, Borobudur merupakan salah satu dari 7 keajaiban dunia.

As we all know that Yogyakarta is a city with a thousand temples. Until now, there are still many temples in Yogyakarta that have not been exposed, Candi Ijo (Green Temple) is one of them. Among the thousand temples in Yogyakarta, Candi Ijo is the most beautiful temple geographically, in my opinion. How not, this temple is located at an altitude of 375 meters, if we are there we can see almost all of Yogyakarta.

Sebagaimana kita tahu bahwa Yogyakarta merupakan kota dengan seribu Candi. Hingga kini masih banyak candi-candi di Yogyakarta yang belum terekspos, Candi Ijo salah satunya. Diantara seribu candi di Yogyakarta, Candi Ijo merupakan Candi yang paling indah secara geografis, menurut saya. Bagaimana tidak, Candi ini berada di ketinggian 375 meter yang apabila kita berada di sana kita bisa melihat hampir seluruh Yogyakarta.



This temple is located in Sambirejo Village, Yogyakarta. The entrance ticket charged is not expensive, only Rp. 5000, - / person and we can enjoy an amazingly beautiful view from above.

Candi ini terletak di Desa Sambirejo, Yogyakarta. Tiket masuk yang dikenakan pun tidak mahal, hanya Rp. 5000,-/orang dan kita bisa menikmati pemandangan yang luar biasa indah dari atas.



The temple was built as a place to worship the gods created by a typical architecture in the 9-10 century AD during the Medang Kingdom era in the Mataram period.

Candi dibangun sebagai tempat untuk memuja para dewa yang dibuat oleh arsitektur khas pada abad 9 - 10 Masehi pada zaman Kerajaan Medang periode Mataram.

When we arrive at the gate, we will be shown a carving of Kala makara (giant dragon), which is a giant mouth in the form of a dragon. This carving is the same as the carvings found in Borobudur Temple. 17 buildings are on the upper terraces. There are also three ancillary temples that show the Hindu community's respect for Trimurti: Brahma, Wisnu, and Shiva.

Ketika kita tiba di gerbang, kita akan diperlihatkan sebuah ukiran Kala makara (naga raksasa), yaitu mulut raksasa yang berbadan naga. Ukiran ini sama dengan ukiran yang terdapat di Candi Borobudur. 17 bangunan berada pada teras berundak atas. Terdapat pula tiga candi perwara yang menunjukkan penghormatan masyarakat Hindu kepada Trimurti: Brahma, Wisnu, dan Syiwa.


It is not recommended to visit this temple during the day because the weather is very hot. The afternoon panorama is more interesting because you can see the sunset over the pieces of Yogyakarta.

Tidak disarankan berkunjung ke Candi ini pada siang hari karena cuaca sangat panas. Panorama sore lebih menarik karena bisa melihat sunset di atas kepingan Yogyakarta.

About the Author:

Vivie Hardika

I have so many imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as human and as a girl. So writing very challenging. Since in Junior High School, I written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 10th published novels and all of that are romance.

Yeah, I proudly say that I am an mulititalent author!

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