Miami to Key West | Road Trip • 7 Miles Bridge

Hi friends, how are you today?!

Would like to share with you this incredible trip, one of my dreams road trips that came to be true.

Buckles up!

Miami to Key West | Road Trip • 7 Miles Bridge

source Google maps

We are here. Miami South Florida. The year is 2010.
Going to Key West, the place in the USA closer to Cuba passing to 7 miles bridge on the way.

When watching a Schwarzenegger movie and seeing them driving in no end bring made me wonder, one day I want to drive on that bridge. And searched about it.

If you know what's the movie I'm talking about leave a comment, it's an old movie so many of you young's probably will not know it. :D

So, one day I make my dreams come true, and spent some days in Miami and drive all the way to key west.

You cant drive fast like in the movie, but for sure it's an engineering masterpiece plus a paradisiac scenario. Lots of small islands, great people and culture.

So get along and drive with me into these pictures selected to show how this road trip ended.

Miami beach

All starting in Miami, spent a few days there and arriving from Orlando, we got a great welcome, but...

no animals allowed makes me sad.

Many of them take care of the beach better than some humans, but everything was clean.

A great entrance, and a lack of infrastructure on the beach.

No kiosks that I'm used to.

It's a good day for walking on the beach. Taking a walk before getting on the road is a good way to keep your legs in good shape.

Impressive clear sand and water

Feather friend approaching, no snacks for you sir, sorry.

How about a swim? It's not that hot weather but the water is good.

The water is crystal clear like that for real.

So, let's roll, get the road, and start that is a long way. A lot of paradisiacal views on the way just as we start it.

On the Road

A lot of bridges in this path. Few stop to check out the view and architecture. It's indeed a masterpiece of engineering to build all these bridges and connect all these small islands.

Stop to appreciate the view and be grateful for this amazing day.

Also, stretch the legs a little bit.

The Seven Mile Bridge

Controlled speed limit, takes about 5 hours with few stops and traffic jam.

Palm trees all over the way. Love them.

Incredible tiny islands on the way.

Key west arriving

Arriving kind of late, more than expected, we could check-in, go out for a walk, and see what to expect the next morning.

Night walk and dream with tomorrow

The weekend

So, finally, the weekend starting and we have a lot of things to visit and see.

Take a pier walk and check out the view.


Another feather friend approaching. I think they are used to being feed.

Beautiful beach overview

That's is something that I like in the USA, they have their flag all over the places.


Posing for a picture. Smile! :D

Communication antennas, I think satellite is the best way to get some signal there...

Let's practice some exercise and get into the water. the sea is calm and looks like a pool.

Beach view from the sea.

Can't imagine during a Hurricane how it can be like.

Beautiful beaches, I'm loving this place and could spend more time here.

Definitely want to get back once or twice more.

Palms everywhere making the landscape more interesting always.

About our Ride

Try to do an upgrade when you arrive to pick up your reservation, I add a few bucks to get a more comfortable car for this trip, and it's paid off, with great space for legs and baggage saved us on this trip.

our ride

Due to weekend traffic jam, we took more hours than expected and arrive late and tired, imagine with a bit so comfortable rented car...


I remember eating local food and going to an incredible Thailand restaurant near the Historic Seaport for dinner.

Could be able to remember dishes names and restaurants visited.

Infinite sea


We did not spend much time in Hotel, but breakfast was great.
The room was great with all that bathtub and views. Nice.

Sun and Blue sky

Kids playing

Parked jetskis on the hotel complex.

Checkout and preparing to go back to Miami

Thanks for reading.

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