A Relaxing and Paradise-Like Place in Manticao, River


One of the beautiful places to visit here in the Province of Misamis Oriental is the Manticao River. Many people from faraway places come here to paddle and bathe in the Crystal-colored water. For this blog, we will go to one of the most beautiful and perfect places especially in summer, the Manticao River. This river has several stories from the past, stories that have translated through past times to the present. I know some information about the story of this river and I know it from my Grandfather. Before I continue my blog, I first want to share my exact place where I went.

Exact Location:

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The Manticao river can be seen or located in a remote and uninhabited area. There are few houses standing near the river and usually only farming lands can be seen. This nose serves as a boundary between two Barangays; Barangay Paniangan and Barangay Poblacion both covered by Manticao. It is far from the Provincial road and it is necessary to walk for several hours before reaching the River. It is quite close to the so-called Freedom SMS Tower and a Zone, Zone 23. Many Streams connect to this river, from the mountainous areas to the flat areas in Manticao. Due to frequent flooding, it is carried by fertile soil from mountainous areas and deposited in low-lying areas.



This river is rich in large and various types of trees, in fact they grow on the banks and near the river. It provides cool and fresh air and can rest for people who are tired of walking from far places. There are also different types of animals that can be seen here such as birds, wild plants and flowers including dangerous animals such as Snakes. One of the big trees that can be seen here is my acacia tree where it was growing many years ago. Its branches and leaves are lush and can shade some parts of the river.


A few more trees that can be seen here are the Molave ​​tree or Tugas in local term. This wood is one of the beautiful and durable woods, and it can be used as the foundation and floor of the house and walls. This wood is very old and has been called an ancient tree, but it still grows and grows and can also provide a fresh and beautiful environment.


This river is rich in large and small stones, in fact some people come here to get stones for construction and decorations. One of the hard stones found here is the so-called banteles. The various shapes and colors of the stones add beauty to the surroundings, adding to this the brilliant stones that have been swept away by the water from the mountain.


As for bamboo, many types of bamboo can be seen and found here. This is a type of bamboo that I call Balatakan. It is a beautiful floor in the house or maybe a wall. Usually, it grows or is planted near the river or maybe on the bank of the river to help prevent soil erosions. It grows and grows a lot depending on the area and it sleeps so that the soil becomes fertile because of the dry leaves that fall and wither on it.



According to rumors, in the old days this river was small in fact, it was just called sapa or stream. But in many seasons and large floods are experienced here, the lands are gradually swept away by the River and all that remains are the solids and large chunks of rock. Many events have occurred here in the River, one of which is the large molave ​​trees that were completely swept away by the strong currents of flood water and the others sank into the sand and were covered by sand and soil.


Large chunks of rock that have been blown from high places and mountains. This is my proof of how strong the current is here when it floods. Some of the rocks have sunk into the water and have been inhabited by various animals such as fish, crabs and shrimp.


There are also plants that grow here in the water of the river, one of them we call kang-kong, a type of plant that is vines and only grows in watery places like the river. Small fishes, shrimps and crabs also live under these plants. It usually grows during the summer season.

Near the River is one of the vast Coconut plantations, the soil here is fertile because of the Manticao river. Coconuts are one of the main sources of livelihood for the residents here. Not only coconuts but also bananas, rootcrops and mangoes.

The Manticao river really has a big and beautiful contribution, and other than that, the place can be and is a good place to visit, especially this summer season. Thank you very much for visiting and reading my post. Good day to all of us.


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