Gokarna beach

Dear Hive friends,

My visit to Rahul's family and Palakkad was coming to an end. After saying goodbye, the long travel through whole west coastal India up to Delhi was ahead of me.

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My idea was to explore and to see India not only through pink glasses, but to accept it fully with all kind of sides, opinions, and landscapes. On this journey, I saw many things that are impossible to describe, as it's so powerful and full of emotions.


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But before this long train journey, I wanted to spend some time at the beach, at one of my favourite places. From Kudli beach to Om beach to Half moon beach until Paradise beach. This is where you really enjoy life in Gokarna.

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Already on the train journey, I made a full group of new friends, which also travelled there. We decided to rent a place all together. Together we see the area and prepare delicious dishes in a clay pot.

Even though I stayed there for a longer time than the rest of the newly made friends, I was not left alone. I met Rahul outside doing some yoga and sports, we quickly became friends and explored more all the beaches there.

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Soon I made more adventures, going back to the train and reaching Delhi. Leaving this country, I already knew that I will soon come back.

Since making movies and capturing moments is a big passion of mine, sharing them with a wider population which appreciate them, means even more to me. If you would like to support me, join me on my journeys and subscribe to my YT channel.

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