Where sky kisses the mountains!

Every travel is special by it's nature as it create a new story to tell. Travelling opens your eyes, fill your heart, broadens your mind, and creates a life story to tell to remind.

Human has a eternal feelings for beauty and everyone loves anything that is beautiful. And beauty is not only a word but it is the word for expressing the strongest feeling with deeper access to our heart. As a normal mechanisms, beautiful things, moments or expectations are always make our hearts widen to an infinite level and soothe our all stress, and all difficulties seem to fade away. And that's the reason why people are always trying to find beauty everywhere in the world. The constant walking through the unending paths with immense pressure with unlimited stress, people always search for a beautiful place where they can explore the beauty of nature as the consequences. And such strong attractions make humans climb to the peak of the mountains, swim in the ocean, fight with the heinous animals in the forests to explore such beauty that no eye has ever explored!

After I come to China I didn't get enough opportunity to visit many provinces or area for my thirst for travelling due to the COVID-19 pandemic for the last three years. But I didn't miss a single chance to visit the beautiful spots surrounding my areas which are really very beautiful and complete picturesque surrounding. Last time I have shared the visit to the Great Wall of China which you can explore through this link. Today I want to share my another visit to a great scenic area which is situated around 20 km from my living place.

The place I have visited is known as the "青龙峡旅游区停车场" area and the English name is like "Qinglong George Scenic Area" which is mainly the "Beijing Huairou Dashuiyu Reservoir" which is a big water reservoir having a lot of mountains surrounding it with a strong dam which is a popular spot in the Huairou District! The place is almost 20 km from my living place and I went there with other two of my colleagues who are from China. We started our journey after the launch hour and the sun was shining strongly at that time. But as in early winter, the weather was so comfortable to visit such a beautiful place! it was a very comfortable weather to walk on.

The entry was very astonishing as the dam was further than we thought and the continuous water flow from the reservoir making a a similar sound like the water fall. This water will go a further way to the local canal for irrigation and many different purposes. At the ground level after entry, there were several place for the childrens rides like boating or dancing on the elastic bridges.

After walking a while now comes the climb up to the dam which was not so huge but was a big one for such a big reservoir. And before going the opposite sides, no one can imagine about the beauty of this place. But the climbing on the dam was not so easy as the whole area is surrounded by mountains so you have to climb it with very step stairs which is tiresome in many cases.

There were several rides in this level on the surrounding of the Dam, especially for the first time I have seen the Bungee Jump event beside the dam which was really a fearful for me. To jump from a so high is really needs a brave heart. Also there were water bus for travelling around the reservoir and that is awesome you are moving through the river between a loot of mountains is a really picturesque image to draw!

Also, other rides like cable cars to climb up to the mountains and the mountain climbing were available. But we plan to climb up to the mountains by foot.

After watching the surrounding, we started our journey towards the climbing up to the peak of the highest mountain adjacent to the water reservoir. It was a sunny day and it was also tiring after climbing the dam already, but the surrounding view was so eye-catching that you can't stop yourself from watching the surroundings from the higher peaks!

Now everything becoming more smaller the more we climbed up to the mountains.

And the surrounding becoming ore attractive.

Also further views are becoming more clearer and felling like a bird is increasing in the heart!

From such height everything looks so beautiful, but still we need to go further. Meanwhile we get a place to take a rest.

My colleagues drink some juice water and took rest. Meanwhile I was busy with taking some photos with the amazing nature surrounding the place!

Another interesting fact about the place is that the mountain climbing surrounding area is still based on the ancient GREAR WALL relics dependent though parts have been reconstructed but you can observe some ancient parts here also.

Some parts are very old which are also very risky sometimes. It was an amazing experience for me that I have never climbed mountains like this and really it was very high than I thought before started climbing instead of using the cable! But the satisfying thing was that I can take a look to the amazing beauty which can't be expressed in words!

It is almost 2 hours we are climbing up to the mountains but still the peak is not found! I was so tired of the sun now though it is going to afternoon soon. I was sweating and the thirst was very severe some times.

But I have seen some children walking on the mountains and I was inspired their effort and started climbing again after taking some breaks while I was taking photos surrounding me to forget about the tiredness.

After two and and a half hour, we reached to the to of the mountains where our journey stops at the roof of the surrounding worlds!

The surrounding view was mesmerizing we were at the top of the surrounding mountains in that area. After reaching to the top all the tiredness has just disappeared like the melting ice!

After reaching there, we find some snacks shops but the price was so high as expected and found a shelter house which is from the long ago when the soldiers used to stay here for guarding purposes. It is on the top of the highest peak which is realy difficult for supplies. It reveal how difficult the life was in past specially in freezing winter!

We drank some water there meanwhile there was a bit raining so we stayed in the snacks shops area and I have visited the shelter zone which was a little bit further from the shops area. And I also took some amazing pictures from this peak.

After spending 1 hour on the top, it is time to get down. but the surrounding beauty was telling to stay longer. And all of us so tired so we decided to get down from the peak to the dam level by the cable car which will save a lot of time and our condition was not so good to get down by foot!

So, we took the cable for getting down very fast and smoothly to avoid the underlying risk also. But the memory that created throughout the day will never get down from the brain, that is the power of beauty.

Finally, our journey is stopped by exploring the colorful rainbow below us. And we came back with a beautiful memory and refreshed mind to fuel our activity for the rest of our life!

Thanks a lot for your time and attention for reading my long post. If you have queries regarding the spot please feel free to let me know in the comment section. I will catch you at the next.
Have a nice day!

MD AL MAHADI HASAN Welcome to Mahadi's small corner in Hive Community from Bangladesh. He is a Ph.D. student who is working at a research Institute in China. He has visited many destinations near Beijing, climbs up the great wall and mountains, tries new and exotic dishes here, tried skiing and many other events, and explored his country and want to explore the rest of the world in the future. As a crypto enthusiast, he has the hobby to learn about Blockchains, Cryptos, and their fascinating applications in the real world. He loves learning new things and tries to enjoy his life to the full. If you like his content, don't forget to upvote and leave a comment to show some love for him as a learner in the blogging sphere. You can also reblog his post if you want to. Also, don't forget to follow him to be updated with his latest posts about his life and thoughts on a regular basis including daily life and some Blockchain games such as Splinterlands.

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