Visiting the Great Wall of China: my #1 visit to one of the 7 wonders of the world!

The journey was to begin to one of the 7 wonders of the earth!

The end of the journey to the unaccessible are of the Great Wall of China!


The desire to know the unknown, explore the unseen, and struggle to gain victory over the challenging one is the true nature of human beings. Everyone loves to explore the beautiful things around them and even people visit other corners from their own birthplace which is really challenging. But the most difficult journey will bring you to the best place to explore. And this unquenchable hunger always drives people to undergo many difficult journeys in the toughest condition to survive. The beauty of Great Wall in China is such a beauty that takes a tremendous effort to build and to make it functional for the protection of Peking (currently Beijing) from the northern territory of Mongolian intruders! But such an enormous structure at that time without modern technology even though there was nothing compared to the present time, is really a matter of wonder! As I am living in Beijing, it is not possible that I will not visit such a wonderful place for the world community. Every day thousands of foreigners visit it.

There are many parts of the Great Wall and the most stronger are the newer ones that the visitors are allowed to visit. But there are many relics of the older ones throughout the northern part of Beijing. As I am living in Huairou city, I have seen many old relics of the Great Wall which are completely abandoned and now no one is allowed to climb those due to the underlying danger as any collapse with severe damage to life and property is possible. I visited the place in the first week of November which is the start of Winter after Autumn. And the winter in Beijing is not warmer at all like in my country Bangladesh, so warm dress-up was very necessary to visit that place.

There are several destinations for exploring the Great Wall and I have visited the "Mu Tian Yu" one!




Before entering the stairs that lead to the top of the Great Wall, I saw a big sculpture of a Chinese emperor I guess. As I can read Chinese it is not possible to learn about him but the dress resembles greatness. Just take a click with the King to feel a close person to the King!



I have visited the great wall with some of my friends from Pakistan and some other countries with whom I met after coming to Beijing for my higher study! We have a big group of more than 20 people but after entering the area we were divided into many groups as the place is tiresome to explore we planned to climb up to the wall and not use the Cable Car. And with the cable car, the journey would be so short and there will some missing in total exploration. So, I decided with our small group and started to climb up the surrounding was very beautiful.







As it was the beginning of the winter, the scenery surrounding the area was spectacular with the colorful leaves some were still green, some are drying like brown and some are orange or yellow. The colorful scenes will definitely attract you! Some areas are filled with longer evergreen trees which have green leaves and they were blocking the sun which was sometimes cold for us but climbing up to the Wall by steep stairs was making us sweat. We have taken adequate drinks per precaution and we were instructed about such tiring activities o, often we take a break and start climbing again.




The landscape from halfway to the top of the Great Wall was amazing: the mountains and clousds and clearly blue sky is really eye-catching view to explore the Great Wall again and again!

After almost one and half hour we reached at the top of the WALL and the view from here is beyond description. I can only remember the one moment when I went infront of the sea for the first time. The same feeling of filling my heart with the beauty with unlimited view surrounding you which is really a great experience!










I was thinking that after the tiring climbing up the Great Wall exploration will come to an end but then the real observation starts to walk on the top of the Great Wall and find its end!

Really it was an unending structure when I see the top of the mountain there is a room-type resting place and go there, but that is the starting point to the other side and in truth-speaking, it is not possible for a human being to find its ending.

Our group started walking running and moving forward but no end! We walk almost more than 3 hours to find the ending points and felt so tired to complete the challenge. But we see many people going forward and returning from somewhere in front of us.











We were searching for the end but we got to the cable car station and a resting place where some stalls were selling some snacks and drinks. But as usual, the price was just 10 times more only!
And got the idea about using the Cable car we could come here within 20 mins but for our journey, we have already taken around 3 hours.

But the eye-catching scenes never let us down and always refuel us to move forward. The surroundings were changing after some distance and often there were very risky and steep stairs. And many of our total team members stopped moving forward as some of them have a fear of heights. Even I was shocked by discovering my fear of such risky climbing and sometimes I take rest in the mid of the stairs and it takes a lot of encouragement to look behind while climbing really steep stairs at such a height on the Great Wall!





















And finally, only two from our small group reached the ending section of the GREAT WALL which was the final base from where no one is allowed to enter the next section. But it is not the end just the boundary from where you can go further but you can't reach to the starting point from where you climb. And we were instructed to go quickly to the bottom again and many of the group members were not at such a distance, so we take some photos there and started going back to get everyone for returning to the bus!











We used another way of going down and it was a faster way from the cable car station, relatively climbing down is more difficult when you are tired and this feeling was true at that moment! There is a stone museum in this area but we were so tired that no one wished to visit that. And so, we came back afterward and spent a really memorable day!

It was a great adventurous day, the whole way I was just thinking about how the old Chinese nation has built such amazing things. It is so difficult to build it and how people stayed here in the such cold for protecting their kingdom! Now people are not so industrious and most of the heavy work is done by the machinery. I can't think about that









After visiting this wonder I have a great desire to explore the Egyptian Pyramids which are also the true wonder of ancient times with so accurate mathematical calculations and building strategies. I think such hunger to explore the world is triggered when you visit such an amazing place!

Thanks a lot for your time and attention. I will catch up at the next one. Have a nice day!

MD AL MAHADI HASAN Welcome to Mahadi's small corner in Hive Community from Bangladesh. He is a Ph.D. student who is working at a research Institute in China. He has visited many destinations near Beijing, climbs up the great wall and mountains, tries new and exotic dishes here, tried skiing and many other events, and explored his country and want to explore the rest of the world in the future. As a crypto enthusiast, he has the hobby to learn about Blockchains, Cryptos, and their fascinating applications in the real world. He loves learning new things and tries to enjoy his life to the full. If you like his content, don't forget to upvote and leave a comment to show some love for him as a learner in the blogging sphere. You can also reblog his post if you want to. Also, don't forget to follow him to be updated with his latest posts about his life and thoughts on a regular basis including daily life and some Blockchain games such as Splinterlands.

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