Phu Quy island — in people we trust — Vietnam (part 2)

DAY 2 (cont)

This is the next part of my trip to Phu Quy island, read part 1 here.

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After an amazing excursion to Hon Tranh islet in the morning, we just wanted to stay a little longer to enjoy the beauty the place has to offer, but we had to head back to Phu Quy to prepare for a photoshoot in the afternoon. This was in fact an event that the whole group has put a lot of effort to come together and make everything possible — my sister's 10th wedding anniversary.

Trieu Duong beach is a perfect place for a family picnic and friend gathering, the bay offers a long sandy beach with shallow water, it is a popular destination among locals and visitors.

Leaving our bikes at the wedding center near the main road, we went through a small area of casuarina trees, then a large sandy space looks right into the beach opened in front of us.

Everyone was busy setting up for the shoot, we put the photos together, and then try to put two long sticks up, it was not easy as the wind got a little stronger.

Despite the wind, we managed to decorate a little corner, we were just in time to catch the sunset and had some beautiful shoots on the beach.



Everyone was chilled with the light sea breeze and the gentle sound of the waves. Many local families took their children here to swim as the water was amazingly calm, while some younger groups started to have a BBQ on the beach, chatting and laughing from afar, what a peaceful view!


As dusk fell, we packed up everything and head back to the homestay since there was a feast catered by the homestay's owner waiting for us. Isn't it obvious? You have a wedding ceremony and then a reception LOL.



1. Phu Quy flag pole — watching the sunrise.

It was a busy morning as we had quite many attractions to visit.

We arrived at the flag pole a little over 5 a.m, there were only a few people around us. Usually, the sunrise is expected around 5.30 this time of year. However, this was a cloudy morning and we couldn't see the perfect reflection when the sun was rising.


There are many things you can see around here, we already visited the nearby Ganh Hang cliff on the first day, so we just came here to admire the sunrise. Looking down the left side of the flag pole you could also see Bai Nho beach, following a small track near the flag pole and you can reach the bay.

On a clear day, you could see the vibrant color of the water, with bright blue near the shore and it becomes darker because of the submerged rocks.


2. Linh Son pagoda - Cao Cat mountain

Our next stop was Linh Son pagoda, the place was under renovation, so everything was a little messy. However, the true beauty of this place is the Cao cat mountain, just follow the stairs in the back of the pagoda, you are on top of the island.


We were amazed by the majestic formation of the rocks on the peak, this has become a popular check-in spot for tourists. It is a wonderful place to capture a panoramic view of the island.



3. Mo Thay temple

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Our last stop is also a famous attraction in the area. Mo thay temple is situated in a very scenic location. It is believed to be the resting place of a respected physician on the island, his commemoration day takes place annually on the 4th of the fourth lunar month and holds a special place in the islander's religious practice.

The real wonder is really hidden behind the building. Walking along the left side of the temple, a small track will lead you to an open area when you can admire the vista of the bay.

The sun was up high and shone brightly when we reached the cliff. On the right side of the cliff, there is a very well-known check-in spot that attracts many young visitors.


Can you guess what it is?

It is actually a fish farm that was built near the coastal rocks, looking from above it looks like an ancient scene from somewhere in Europe. Anyways, it looks fabulous in the photo, isn't it?

I love the atmosphere and the vibe of this place, the rock formation is fascinating, some of them look like moving layers of waves. You could easily get a good shot from any angle of the cliff.



It was a great place to finish our journey on this beautiful island, it was 3 days full of beautiful moments and amazing scenery of the coastal cliffs. But what I love the most is the people.

Even though it is hard to understand them at times as they speak Vietnamese with a different accent and frequently use some dialects, the islanders are really hospitable and generous. Once you are on the island, just leave your vehicles in front of the house, nobody will steal them. My host told me that there is hardly any thievery here, people are genuinely good, you can trust each other, and he really does, he left the gate unlocked at night.

Now, I won't leave out the food here, the special dish of the island is no doubt the seafood, it is fresh catch and usually cheaper than the ones you have in the city. The cooking method may be simple, but that is how they prefer to keep the natural taste of the dish.



Another great dish for dessert is "Rau câu chân vịt" — a kind of jelly made from seaweed. It is not only favored by children but also adults as it is rich in calcium, iodized salt, and other minerals.

Kumquat iced tea — refreshing and the best way to cool off in the heat.


Thanks for reading and hope you would love this island as I do!

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