Visiting Malaysia and small Hive update!

Hello Hive!

A long time has passed once again since my last post that wasn't a gaming video. Sadly like I mentioned in my previous post, over the course of last year this has been quite the common thing for me. Life kind of got in the way again and I wasn't even able to play my games at all. I decided that I would come back this time and finally get started with some other content than gaming. Maybe give a little bit of an update on what I've been up to but also just to write something since to be honest, I've really missed that.


As soon as I had settled into my new home and started making my let's play videos last time, things got a bit hectic with life again and I had to move around before finally being able to settle in once more. I haven't had the time to spend on Hive and the only interaction I've really had with the platform is me buying up some Hive for my account a while back. I know I'm repeating some of the things I mentioned in the last post but I figured maybe this will reach some other people so I might as well.


I have some new plans for the type of content I want to bring to the platform which will of course include gaming content but I also want to start doing more photography posts from here on out. I have a new camera which I am still learning to use and I'll be trying to take some good photos to include in my posts for the future.


I spent some time in Kuala Lumpur where sadly it rained every day I was there and I got the worst cold ever but at least I managed to find a few hours here and there where I could go out and take some good photos and not just lie in bed sick all day.

Some of you may also know that I am working on a project called HoloZing together with some amazing people which I've also been spending time on. This is something I am truly excited about. HiveGC has also been on somewhat of a hiatus lately which is also something I am working on getting back on track with some new ideas going forward. More on that soon!


The new year is almost here and with everything that is going on, I have to say that I am super excited about 2024 and I can't wait to finally be able to spend more time on here again. I hope everyone is doing well and you haven't forgotten about me! :D

Also for anyone curious, the camera I got is a Sony α6700. Still very much a noob though and just figuring out how to use it haha. Will improve with time hopefully.


That's it for my little update and first photo post out of many to come. Thanks for dropping by and I'll see you next time!

Peace, Straw

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