On vacation in Spain and Finland

Hello Hive,

It's been a while since I was here. As some of you may know I have been taking a bit of a vacation and traveling a little bit. The plan was to go to Spain first with a few friends and then I would go together with them to Finland to visit more friends and family.

So we went to Barcelona first and it was pretty awesome. I've been there once before but I was super stoned the whole time I was there so I barely remembered it lol. The weather was kinda bad this time but we still had a good time and enjoyed it a lot. We had 5 days and we did this thing where two other friends and I got to pick one Airbnb each that we would stay in so that we got to see some different things and areas. The first two were my pick and I think I chose a pretty cool house. I didn't take too many photos sadly because we got pretty drunk as soon as we got there but I took one photo from my bedroom where you can kinda see the view.

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The view was really nice even though the weather wasn't the best. It was pretty high up and even the taxi drivers were a bit unsure about driving up there lol. The first one that took us there from the airport kept stopping the whole time and asking "Arriba?". Anyway, we spent two days there and did some barbeque and just drank a lot. On one of those days, we also went to the center to see La Sagrada Familia. I tried to take a good photo of it but it was difficult since we were so close and my phone sucks lol.

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After that, it was time to go to the next place that my friend picked out. For some reason, he chose to take us to a yacht at the harbor and stay there for two days. It sounded really good but the yacht was super small and so cold lol. At least it was close to the center so we got there pretty easily. The last night we just stayed in a hotel and it was the most comfortable night of them all.

We also saw the National Palace while we stayed there. It looked pretty cool but my photos don't make it look too good sadly.

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The trip went well and it was pretty awesome to see old friends again. After Barcelona, it was time for Finland. Felt good going back home and I was super lucky with the weather because it was actually not too cold when I arrived even though it had been just before I arrived and also after I left.

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While I was there I mostly drove around and met all my friends and went out a few times with them. I went to a smaller town to visit as well where I had some friends and got to go see the only cool thing they have. The chalk mine is actually pretty big and always nice to stand and look at.

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Anyway, that was my traveling from Spain to Finland and it was a really good time. At that point, I didn't know that my travels would only continue. You'll see next time where. I will try to be more active again and I wanna take way more photos and try to get back to that since I used to do it a lot in the past. I need to get a better camera first though.

Thanks for reading and I hope you liked my photos. See ya next time!

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