Dragon Bridges, Cable Cars and Monkeys

Hello everyone,

today I am really excited to share this post because I had such an amazing time visiting this city and I think you will enjoy the photos. Now I was going to skip this post because I still didn't have my new phone here but this place is just too cool not to share. I swear though, next time it will be much better.

The City of Da Nang

The city I visited this time is called Da Nang and is located in central Vietnam. I flew there from Hanoi since that seemed like the easiest way and I wanted to get there as soon as possible. You can however also take a bus or train to get there. You can usually even get a bed to sleep on for the trip.

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Da Nang is famous for a lot of things. One of which is this super cool golden dragon bridge. It's not just any normal bridge though. The dragon shoots fire out of its mouth and it's a really popular fire show that huge crowds gather to see every weekend. So if you are ever in Da Nang on a Sunday, make sure to get to the dragon's head by 9 PM. I, unfortunately, wasn't there on the right day so I was unable to see it. I heard it's amazing though.

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This is the famous Lady Buddha statue which is located on a hill in Da Nang. There are supposed to be these really steep stairs that lead up to it but it was closed when I was there. I still decided to walk down though even though it was a pretty long route around. On the way down I finally saw something that I had not yet seen during my travels. MONKEYS!

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I had been looking for monkeys for a while already and somehow had not seen any during my time here. I even went to a place called Monkey Island near Phuket but the monkeys didn't come out.

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This is the beautiful beach of Da Nang. This place is honestly one of the top 3 beaches I've visited in South East Asia. If you are ever in Vietnam I strongly recommend you visit here as this city has a lot of cool things to see.

That's it for the city of Da Nang. Now let's move on to the real highlight of this visit.

Ba Na Hills

I had heard about this place from a friend of mine and honestly, it was one of the main reasons I visited Da Nang. It's an amusement park up on this hill and it looked super cool so I decided to go check it out.

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These are the hills where the amusement park is located and you have to ride a cable car up. It was such a cool ride and it was very high up from the ground. The view was simply amazing.

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When you get to the top after a 20-minute cable car ride you are greeted by this amazing bridge that overlooks the entire valley and the city of Da Nang too. It is crazy popular though so if you wanna be able to check it out in peace and maybe take a few photos then I strongly recommend you take the very first cable cars up which is what I did. It was very clear and not too many people.

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And here is the view from there. I honestly wish I had my new phone while I was there so I could have taken better photos of this place but even with my old phone, it looks good because the place is so beautiful.

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As I mentioned earlier, there is an amusement park here and they have a few cool rides. Nothing too crazy though. The best one is probably the alpine coaster which lets you ride down a track all while admiring the view. If you let it go full speed then it's actually kind of fun too.

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This was taken a bit later during the day and you can see that the sky is not as clear anymore. You could barely see anything from the bridge at this time but it looks pretty cool with the clouds too.

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The park has this kind of old castle theme going on and they have different quarters around like the German and French quarters where you can find great beer served in Oktoberfest style or some nice Croissants from a French bakery. I enjoyed a bit of both myself.

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After an amazing day at this park, it was slowly time to make our way down. This time around it was super cloudy and the cable car ride was very cool this time too. Different but equally nice to look at.

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This is the entrance to the cable car station and the park. I had such a great time there and I strongly recommend anyone to go visit there because you will not regret it.

This is it for today's post. Like I said initially I was planning to skip this post because I just really wanted to get to the ones taken with my new phone. In the end, I decided to still post them though because the place is so cool and I just felt that it was worth not skipping it. I hope you agree.

I will see you all in the next post where we will finally begin with photos from my new phone. See you then and take care!

Peace, Straw

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