Meeting the American Dream for the First Time

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Not Your Typical Arrival

Smartly dressed in a casual black coat, a young gentleman exited his flight from the United Arab Emirates Boeing aircraft and entered the terminal gates of the John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.

"Sir, come with me please!" After handing over his passport at the immigration counter, he was requested by the assigned officer to follow him to a special enclosed room. Immediately, his heartbeat rapidly doubled its beating rate as he walked behind the airport official.

This happened a few years after the despicable horrors of 911 left an excruciating scar on that nation. Still having fresh memories, this catastrophic event injected so much fear in the minds and hearts of millions of Americans, especially those who've witnessed the tragedy at close range. During those moments, most of the foreign-looking passengers waiting in line at the immigration queue also exhibited stiff postures, blank glances, and were completely silent amidst the noisy background of airplanes taking off and landing. The atmosphere inside was clearly tense.

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"Oh no, what could be wrong?! Could they have mistaken me for a terrorist?" he pondered while patiently breathing deeply. And after waiting inside that white-walled interrogation room for about 30 minutes, one of the male staff approached him and remarked, "There was a minor discrepancy in your personal information, thus we had to ensure that no act of tampering was done to your passport". After that unexpected incident, he was released and was allowed to proceed to the baggage claim section. With much anticipation, he was now legally permitted to travel within the North American continent. Whew!

That gentleman was me.

Impressions of a Hospitable Welcome

Since I was a kid, visiting the USA was one of my lifelong aspirations. I can still remember pinching myself several times just to check whether I was really there in the flesh. It was hard to believe, as though I was still asleep. Yet, I wasn't dreaming anymore. The sweet reality was apparently unfolding before my own eyes!

The Big Apple was not my final destination as I still had to board a domestic flight from my current location to my last stop at a gorgeous metropolis situated at the eastern side of Lake Michigan. By the way, this was a work-related trip - all expenses were shouldered by the sponsoring company. And aside from savoring the 14-hour in-flight luxuries of the business class cabin onboard an Emirates airplane from Dubai to New York, a heart-warming surprise was silently waiting for me.

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My flight arrived at the Gerald R. Ford International Airport in Grand Rapids, Michigan during the early hours of the morning. And I couldn't believe my eyes when I was greeted with an enormous hotel suite - filled with complete amenities for an enjoyable stay. From its own toilet and bath, kitchen, living and dining spaces, bedroom, plus work area, I could definitely linger there forever. Wouldn't you?

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"Ahhh, peace and quiet at last!" I sighed while laying on the comfortable bed to relax a bit. At least I could now unwind after that stressful experience of entering the country a few hours ago. Moving forward, my former workmate, who was also my tour buddy, was picking me up at my hotel room in a couple of hours. Hence, I took the chance to recharge myself first with a sumptuous breakfast to gain the needed energy for the adventurous tour happening later that day.

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You might have noticed that the TV in the lounge area is an outdated model. During that specific period, the technology for that appliance was still state-of-the-art. So, feel free to guess how old that photo could have been.

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Let's call my American host Mr. J. Aside from being my former associate, he was also the person tasked with being my personal guide in showing me the various neighborhoods of Michigan. Despite being in his senior years, he was surprisingly energetic, loved to explore interesting places, and had a skillful knack for photography. He was surely a fun person to be with and had a humorous side to his character. Because I aligned with his passionate hobbies, our social chemistry was immediately automatic.

Glimpses of a Historic Landmark

"Hey Erne, I won't tell you where we're going. Because you're thrilled by surprises, just enjoy the ride. I'll reveal to you this spectacular attraction once we get there, alright?" Mr. J looked at me with a smile.

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"Oh sure, take your time! Surprises never fail to amaze me. Let's go!" I answered him as we boarded his white car on the way to our destination.

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We passed through many thoroughfares until we reached the place of surprise. I soon discovered that I was actually taken to an interesting city called Grand Haven which was a thriving metropolitan gem situated at the eastern coast of Lake Michigan. This humble urban center was small but boasted a tremendous wealth of history and culture.

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The Potawatomi and Ottawa Indians used to establish their abode here for hundreds of years and converted the nearby river as trade routes towards the inner areas of Michigan. In fact, there was plenty of archeological evidence unearthed here to prove their existence. Grand Haven's American-European foundations had roots that point back to French colonial settlers. It was after the War of 1812 that more Americans began to officially migrate and stay for good in the area.

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And as we cruised deeper into this interesting neighborhood, we were welcomed by the Grand Haven Historic District containing a mixture of commercial and residential establishments along a street named Washington Avenue. It was a long thoroughfare encompassing six blocks of significant historic landmarks. I was simply mesmerized by the remarkable collection of ancient buildings that lined up the city's sidewalks.

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This historic district consisted of approximately 121 buildings. most of which had 2-floor levels. The earliest constructed edifice was initiated in 1840 with more recent additions made until 1965. This city's Central Park was also included in the historic zone, and a handful of fascinating architectural signatures like Period Revival, Neoclassical, Italianate, Queen Anne, International, and Mid-Century Modern could likewise be witnessed on the various facades.

My First American Travel Treat

Mr. J decreased his car speed as we were nearing our last stop. While he was searching for a suitable parking area, I saw lots of yachts, boats and other marine crafts sprawling across a vast expanse of coastal land and water. We've finally arrived in a fascinating place called the Grand Haven Municipal Marina - my first real travel adventure where I could walk around, enjoy the views, mingle with locals, grab some food, indulge in nature, and capture lots of pictures. These were surely the types of sensational activities I'd long to experience while I was there.

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This aquatic environment in the state of Michigan was the favorite hangout spot for power boaters and sailors. You can traverse by boat or with other kinds of marine transportations from Lake Michigan, the Grand River, and then to Spring Lake. With around 57 slips and counting (also known as parking spaces for marine vehicles), the Grand Haven Municipal Marina was fairly vast and was situated close to Chinook Pier along Harbor Drive.

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As this marina was an accessible public facility on the waterfront, it has also become convenient for boats, yachts, and other marine vehicles to dock on the slips available. Aside from docking and storage amenities, the place also provided services such as fuel and marine paraphernalia, maintenance and repair outlets, educational courses, and other helpful support for maritime activities.

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While strolling along the Grand River waterfront, I also encountered a pretty little duck busy bathing on the rocky banks. What a colorfully adorable creature!

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Assuming that there was nothing more to experience there, my jaw dropped and my eyes bulged when old railroad trains became suddenly visible in the distance.

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"This section of Grand Haven we're approaching is called the Train Depot Museum," Mr. J explained as we were strolling together along the boardwalk towards the site. "Did you know that those old trains once traversed the ancient railroad networks here in Michigan? Today, they've found a new life as public exhibitions."

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We took our time in that train museum. And because we were both fascinated by trains, we didn't hesitate in posing for photographic souvenirs. I even secretly snapped a memorable photo of Mr. J while he was standing beside one of the trains to capture its awesome visual presentation.

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Afterward, we proceeded further toward Lake Michigan to explore more of our magnificent surroundings. The prevailing winds were extremely powerful that day that I had to walk slowly not to be literally blown away by the air currents. The weather was also quite chilly, hence I decided to wear the same black coat I used when entering the country. Even one of the resident seagulls was trying to warm itself up.

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During this particular visit, I had an eerie first impression of Lake Michigan. Its mysterious waves simply gave me the creeps! And the more I became terrified when I came across the following signboards and markers along the beachfront. I paused right away in front of them to offer a little prayer in commemoration to those heroic souls who've perished in that area.

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Despite my initial feelings of fright, the place was still truly gorgeous! We were actually standing in a special location of Grand Haven called the Grand Haven South Pierhead Inner Light, a strategic point where the Grand River entered and flowed into Lake Michigan.

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And there's nothing more spectacular than the stunning red lighthouses stationed at the tip of the pier. Because the lake's water currents were extremely unstable, we had to walk with care on the pier's slippery floor to prevent unwanted accidents.

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The large waves playfully smashing against the rocky sides of the pier combined with the fresh breeze of the lake and alluring scenery of the 2 red lighthouses at the end didn't disappoint our expectations as they fully captivated our senses. It was an absolutely incredible experience! We ended our day there with Mr. J. And I couldn’t be more grateful to him for the magical travel treat he has surprised me with.

"I owe you one!" I told him while patting his back.

And the Journey Continues...

It has been several years already since I lost touch with Mr. J. In spite of doing my best in searching for him, I failed to locate his current whereabouts, unfortunately. I'm not quite certain whether he is still alive or not, God forbid. Yet, his immense legacy in my life thrives on. He was simply like a father figure to me. Therefore, as my special tribute to his sincere friendship, professional mentorship, and pleasing disposition, I wanted to dedicate this post most especially to him. You'll never know, right? Perhaps he might come across and read this travel story someday plus reminisced the remarkable times we shared together in one of the most adventurous pages of our history.

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Most importantly, the city of Grand Haven in the state of Michigan has been proudly designated as the #1 healthiest, safest, and happiest city in the USA by Gallup, a global advisory and analytics organization known for its public opinion polls, advice, and surveys. No wonder I felt the positive energy of the locals plus the delightful atmosphere of the place when I was there. Isn't that amazing? The moment I learned about this fact, the more this outstanding metropolis became embossed in my memory as my first official American travel experience. I will remember this remarkable city for as long as I breathe. It's as simple as that!

Do you cherish unforgettable experiences in America? Tell us about them in the comments below.

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Architect | Environmentalist | Lifehacker | Adventurer
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