I take a tour around Novi Ligure


Hello dear friends

Last night before going to bed, I managed to prepare this post that I am sharing with you today. I was a little tired because it was a very busy day, but I wanted to interact with you so much, because of work I am in Piedmont, near Alessandria, and just yesterday I had to go to Novi Ligure, a not so big city near here of about 30,000 inhabitants, we are about 100 km from the most famous city which is Turin.

Unfortunately I didn't find any village so characteristic or particular that could strike me, but I did find this beautiful city that however seems to me to have an important historical and artistic heritage with monuments and buildings that are quite interesting, and so as usual in my two free hours I went for a walk, and as is my custom, I took some photos to share here with you.



The thing that struck me most of all was the fact that there weren't so many people around, for goodness' sake, it was early afternoon here and most people were probably finishing eating or having a little nap, but there was hardly anyone around and that also shows in the photos, Going around this beautiful town I discovered that Novi Ligure is known for being the birthplace of one of the most famous Italian cyclists and I think also known all over the world, Fausto Coppi, who won numerous titles and there is also a museum here dedicated to this great champion, but as you know because of my job I was unable to visit.



The city of Novi Ligure is famous for the production of amaretti, a typical Italian sweet made with sweet almonds and sugar, which is made in the local pastry shops here in the area, and by the way, a lady had also informed me that every third Sunday of the month one of the largest open-air markets in northern Italy takes place here, and it was really a pity I couldn't be there at that time, because unfortunately I have to go somewhere else before Sunday.


I mainly knew this town because it is famous for Pernigotti a famous chocolate cake and here there is also a quite important company that produces it, but the thing I noticed when I came to this town however are the many vineyards that surround it In fact it is also famous for wine.

Nearby is the famous Ferrero factory, the one that produces the famous Nutella that I think you all know a little bit about. The one negative thing I found when I was walking around this place was that there aren't many green spaces except near the Rocca dei conti Pallavicino, which unfortunately I could only photograph from the outside because it is a private residence.




What I can say about Novi Ligure is that it impressed me a lot as a city. Travelling around Italy I have seen a lot lately and I can say that each one has its own identity, that is, a perfect mix of history, culture, tradition and modernity.

I hope you have found my post interesting and I hope as usual to have made you discover something new, we will definitely see you next time with the surprise always to bring you what will happen to me in my daily travels, see you soon and I wish you all a good day!

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