Restaurang Tavernan serves climate-smart vegetarian food

I eventually grew weary of having the same lunch at work every day. So this Friday I went to Mångkulturellt centrum, a Multicultural Center where I ate once and they had very different and Delicious food.
This place serves only vegetarian food and home cooking with inspiration from different countries. The buffet is huge with different stews, soups, several different types of lentil stews and sauces etc.

While I was there, I also ran into some clients that I had worked with on a few projects. So I took the chance to have lunch with the centre's director, well-known artist Saadia Hussain, Researchers and business developers, René Leon Rosales and a few other pleasant individuals.

Restaurang Tavernan serves climate-smart vegetarian food prepared from scratch in their own kitchen.


It is undeniable that climate change is a pressing global issue. It's not the threat of an environmental disaster happening in our lifetime, it's something we are already living with day-to-day. This includes food shortages, rising sea levels and extreme weather events. Here at Tavernan they want to do their part to combat climate change by changing to a more sustainable lifestyle.

What to expect from their meals and the restaurant

Restaurang Tavernan is a climate-smart vegetarian restaurant that serves food prepared from scratch in their own kitchen in Stockholm. It's inside the Mångkulturellt Centrum, so you can expect a refined but relaxed atmosphere, with good food to match. The menu changes seasonally and they make use of Swedish ingredients as much as possible. The servings are hearty and the flavours are well-balanced. I had the pleasure of lunch there recently and was impressed with both the food and the service. If you're looking for a good vegetarian meal in Stockholm, Tavernan is definitely worth checking out!


So what exactly is climate-smart food? It's food that has been grown or raised in a way that minimises its impact on the environment. This can include things like using less water, generating less pollution, or sequestering more carbon dioxide.

By eating climate-smart foods, we can all do our part to help make the world a little bit greener. And when it comes from a place like Tavernan, we know it's going to taste pretty darn good, too.


Their focus on locally sourced, sustainable ingredients means that their food is not only good for you, but also good for the planet. Restaurang Tavernan seems committed to using only the freshest and most sustainable ingredients available. They believe that food should be delicious AND good for the planet.


So if you're ever in Stockholm and looking for an eco-friendly option for your next meal, be sure to check out Tavernan! The food is delicious and the restaurant is climate-smart, so you can enjoy your meal knowing that you're doing your part to help the environment.

As I mentioned in my intro, from the last 2 decades I have been active on social media, google mapping and reviews, youtube and thatsup. I will share my own past interesting content from these channels, but all my upcoming content I will share on first.

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