The Unforgettable One Hour and Twenty Minutes Drive to Osmeña Peak - Dalaguete, Cebu

Hello, and howdy wonderful friends in this beautiful community. How are you today? I hope you are all well and feeling great all the time.

Exhausted from the different paperwork that we are facing, traveling is one of the great ways to escape from it. Last weekend, I have a blast for I've been to places in Cebu that I never visited ever since. Though I am from Cebu, I cannot visit another place because of the lack of funds. So, this time, because I have work already, I can travel to places if there are extras in my pocket.

My friends and I went to Moalboal, Cebu last weekend to enjoy ourselves and get a dip in the sea. With the thought of visiting other tourist destinations in Southern Cebu, we set our waze to Osmeña Peak in Dalaguete, and started to waze our directions in the google maps.

We are all first-timers visiting the famous highest point on Cebu, Island. We are just relying our adventure in the direction that the google maps tells us. It says we are "one hour and 20 minutes" away to reach the place. Without a second thought, the adventure begins.

Initiating the adventure...

The Mountainous and Windy Roads
Before reaching the place, you can see a lot of mountains nearby. You will also observe that there are a lot of blind corners along the road which makes it difficult and slow pace in going up the area.

In going up, you will also see the distant Pescador Island, an island off the coast which is part of Moalboal, Cebu.

It was so sunny and the weather seems so delighted that we visited the place. With the thought of going up to that one hour and 20 minutes drive is not so far, we never thought to gas up the motorcycle to a full tank.

The Thrill Begins
Reaching about 50 minutes drive from the highway, the gasoline tank turns to level 1. And that single movement made us more thrilled for we do not know if somebody will sell gasoline at the top of the area.

After another couple of minutes of driving, we are wondering why we didn't reach the place still and we are almost at the top of the mountain ranges. And the thrills of going up almost blew our minds. There are areas where no houses to be seen and roads were in the middle of two mountains which is also a creepy thing for us.

The Good Samaritans
Luckily, when the gasoline tank started to blink which signals that gasoline was almost out, someone from the locals pass by carrying gallons of water containers on his motorcycle.

We ask him if there is any instances of some stores selling gasoline in the area. He replied, "Oh ma'am naa sunod nako", in English which means "Yes ma'am, please follow me". It was so thoughtful of him to think of us despite the water gallons at the back of his motorcycle, they are very much approachable to all the tourists visiting the area, I thought to myself.

Luckily, before the gasoline was out, Good Samaritans arrive and entertain us with our needs. We are so relieved at the moment.

To the Peak we go
Continuing our travel, it was already 2:55 in the afternoon. From the seller, we ask her to guide us to the famous Osmeña Peak. With enlightenment, we drove to the place told to us by the seller. After about 30 minutes we reach the peak.

The Tourism Office

Viola! it was so amazing. The panoramic hill formations in the place. But before we could start the tour, we have to pay the entrance fee. The entrance fee cost Php50.00 per person or 0.89 USD. Another thing that tourism strongly emphasized, we should have our tour guide to tour us to the top. The tour guide will also serve as our cameraman when we reach the summit. The tour guide fee is Php150.00 per group or 2.68 USD. But if you want to give more because of their good services, yes you can.

The Outside View from the Tourism Office for the Parking Area

The Beautiful Flower Pots outside Tourism Office

The tour guide told us about their new policy in the area. Before they just let the visitors climb the area without forcing them to have the tour guide but, apparently, without limiting the group to go to the peak, there will be instances that there will be stamped or any danger might face for the peak has limited space.

the tour begins with a picture from our tour guide

Osmeña Peak has approximately 1,013 meters view above sea level which you can go for about a 20 - 30 minute walk from the entrance depending on the pacing of the group.

trekking up the slope of the mountain to the peak starts

The moment we started walking, aside from the panoramic view and different rock formations you will see in the place, green gardens will also amaze you. You can see a vivid green field full of crops in the area.


Some crops that locals planted in the area are chayote and cabbage which you can harvest after 3 months. While we were walking to the top of the hills, the harvest cabbages and chayote were also seen in the area. Some were in their baskets while some were just on the land waiting for the farmers to transport the vegetables. Because of the cold weather in the place, farmers could grow vegetables like this.


After 30 minutes of walking and talking, chadannnn we reach the place. Take it slow while walking because there are very slippery rocks. I suggest you should wear closed shoes in going to the area to avoid hurting your feet.

Awesome! After that tiresome walk and almost running out of gas, yes, we're here. Seeing the place for the very first time personally is stunning. It's different that you saw this place in person and pictures only.

There is also space for campers who wish to stay overnight in the place. You just have to bring your camping gear and tents with you and rent the camping space for Php100.00 only or 1.78 USD. Those who wish to go camping must inform ahead so that there will be allocated space for your group.

Each group has one hour at the summit to take pictures individually and in groups. The tourism office clearly stated that limitations of time in staying at the top must be followed so that others will be given the chance to get on top. But if there are days with lesser visitors, you can occupy the area with more time.

Another tiresome adventure in going down! Seems like your feet are trembling. You should walk a little bit slowly to balance your body. It will be alright to walk a little bit slow, your tour guide will always consider your pacing. And they always remind you to make pause now and then when you climb.

According to our tour guide, the peak is named in honor of the Osmeña clan and in honor of the great Sergio Osmeña who visited the place and suggested that the place is a good tourist visitation.

One thing which I loved about our visit is the tour guide which we encounter. "Kuya Joy" is very approachable and very informative. No dull moments in going up and down the climb because of him. He also made sure that we will reach our place safe and sound by assuring us another route which takes us a little bit far but with no high rises areas we encounter. We are very much afraid to go back to the route we made because of the step, the curves, and the mountainous area.

How to get there?
Osmeña Peak is part of the Mantalungon mountain ranges which stretch until the municipality of Badian.

BY BUS: From the South Bus Terminal in Cebu City, ride a bus bound for Oslob or Bato. The fare is around ₱160. Ask the bus driver to drop you off at Dalaguete junction. As you arrive at the Dalaguete junction, there are several motorcycle-for-hire or “habal-habal” going to the jump-off point, hire one. The fare is around Php120.00 per person. Travel time is 45 minutes to 1 hour.

BY PRIVATE CAR/MOTORCYCLE: Alternatively, you can rent a car/van for you to travel at your own pace. Navigate with Waze or Google Maps and search for “Osmeña Peak” in Dalaguete.

Note: Be careful in using google maps or waze for the first timers going to the place. Might you check if that is part of Dalaguete, Cebu, or Badian, Cebu road. If you navigate Badian Highlands, it's very risky and at a very high level. Make sure you are familiar with the turns and blind curve areas. The place is open 24 hours. You just visit the tourism office.

Indeed, it was a wonderful trip, an unforgettable one hour and twenty minutes of my life. How lucky I am to witness the beauty of the place and the greenery of nature around.

Despite the unfortunates we encountered, yet, we arrived safe and sound in the place. Thankful to the Good Samaritans of the place where every time we ask for specific directions, they will always assure us that we are on the right way by telling us to follow them.

The creepy experience we had in going to the place will always be engraved in our minds but the happy memories created will last forever. Forever grateful that I witness the beauty of the place.

Have a nice day everyone!

That would be all my Hive friends. Thank you for taking the time to read and for a little support to my blog. Keep safe everyone. See you on my next blog!

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