Hiking in Ta Nang - Phan Dung , Vietnam . Fragments come from heaven .

Ta Nang - Phan Dung treks route through 3 provinces Lam Dong - Ninh Thuan - Binh Thuan has a total length of about 45km .


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This is a relatively difficult route , especially for newcomers , requiring experience , physical strength , psychology and careful preparation .
I have gone a few times , so today I will share my journey to conquer this road .
A - prepare :


  • Each person prepares 3 liters of water , snacks and main food for 2 days , energy drinks , .
  • In terms of clothing : it is necessary to bring long pants , long-sleeve jacket , sunscreen during the day and cold at night because this is a place with obvious changes in altitude and temperature , 2 sets of spare clothes . Prepare a raincoat and raincoat for the backpack .
  • Tent - sleeping bag : should prepare good waterproof 2-layer type and have strong piles . Equip a sleeping bag because it is very cold at night .
  • About backpack - shoes : should prepare a specialized backpack with power belt , grip shoes (do not use fashion shoes ) - 1 pair of sandals to change when camping .
  • Medical : personal medicine , insect repellent , first aid equipment .
  • Personal belongings , camera , smartphone .
    B- Schedule : Ta Nang - Phan Dung is most beautiful in the rainy season , so people often choose the time from June to October every year to conquer despite the difficult weather .
    Day 1 : Leave the city to nature .
    Last night we took a bus from Ho Chi Minh City to Da Loan commune , Duc Trong district , Lam Dong province .
    In the morning , the bus will arrive at the stop , everyone got off the bus , take care of their personal hygiene and have breakfast .
    Conduct inspection and supplement food and drinking water .
    Then the shuttle bus will take the whole group to the starting point .
    The group took the first steps along the trail leading out of the village into Ta Nang forest .


-The first part is flat , we pass through grasslands and pine forests .



-But the challenge begins when we meet the first slopes .


-Overcoming it , before your eyes will appear wonderful scenes .

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-At this time , the group seemed tired , so the group stopped for lunch and rest .


-Then we will conquer column 3 provinces and continue the journey .

-Ta Nang - Phan Dung is not a destination . It is beautiful in every step , in the whole journey .





-Following the trails through the endless grassy hills , when the sun set to the west everyone also reached the campsite .


Set up a tent , then rest , take pictures of the sunset , watch the sun set behind the mountains .



-In the evening , we have a BBQ party , drink wine , chat in the cold weather in the highlands .



After that , there was free time , everyone told each other stories or played werewolves . The men continued to drink or go to sleep recuperating from the journey that awaits tomorrow .


Day 2 : from the forest to the sea .
-It was a beautiful morning , I took a sip of coffee and stared blankly at the sky to catch the first rays of sunlight shin through the dew-laden grass . Dawn here is a gift of nature , washing away a lot of fatigue of travelers from the city .





-After breakfast , we bid farewell for the campsite and continued our journey . Crossing the grassy hills , we will finally set foot of the forest of Phan Dung .


-The cool climate will be replaced by the heat of the coastal region .



-Occasionally , there will be some cool streams . We rest , have a snack by the stream.


-Then with the help of the woodworkers we leave in off-road vehicles . Out of the forest , the shuttle bus will pick us up and take us to Co Thach beach .
Rest , swim and dine . Then we will get on the bus and return to Ho Chi Minh city .

Returning with a tired body , but with a cleansed soul . love life , love nature more . see you on the next long journey .


I am Sang. Let me tell you about my trip in Vietnam.

People can also connect with me through .
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sansancampart
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/dicungsansan/
I am also the admin of a camping group with 20,000 members: https://www.facebook.com/groups/846293742439219/?ref=share

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