White Fortress or Bijela Tabija , Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hello everyone.
This was my first visit to Bijela tabija.
Bijela tabija or White Fortress is fortress on eastern entrance of city Sarajevo. White Fortress is built on the on the hill that has beautiful view of city Sarajevo.
Its name comes from white rocks that were used for its construction.

This is north side of the White Fortress.

Entrance is on the western side of the fortress and it faces city.

View from the fortress are super.
This is view from the entrance of the White fortress.

White Fortress is built around 1550s. Also there is other possibility stating that oldest parts of fortress were built in Middle ages at end of 14th century and beginning of 15th century. So there was existing fortress and new parts were added during Ottoman period and Austro Hungarian period.

View on the city from the window.

Also there is wall around the windows. View from here is beautiful so I used opportunity and climbed outside through the window.
City Sarajevo is beautiful from here.

White fortress is like a gate to the city. You can see eastern part all mountain and forest.

Inside of the fortress there are different divisions.

According to map from the Austro Hungarian period from 1882 there was a octagonal shape of the foundation of the mosque that was inside the fortress.

According to Evlija Čelebija (Ottoman travel writer and diplomat) beside the mosque there was house for the imam (prayer leader of the mosque),for the two muezzin (person who calls for prayer) and military musician, silo for the grain and couple houses of the military personnel.

Fortress is around 75 meters long from north to south and 50 m wide from east to west.

Fortress is reconstructed in early 2000s from sources dating from 17th century.
There were 4 towers on the corners and one on the entrance of the fortress.

Ruins outside of the fortress.

This is view from the far south side.

White Fortress on the top of the hill.

When we are talking about White Fortress or Bijela Tabija we have to mention Yellow Fortress or Žuta Tabija or Yellow Bastion.
It is much closer to the city center. Around 10 minutes of steep walk.
Much more people visit Yellow fortress since it is closer.

Yellow Fortress is built between 1727 and 1739. It is cannon fortress lcoated at the entrance of Old City Vratnik (settlement is Sarajevo).

View from Yellow Fortress is magical.

You can see why.
City Sarajevo is on your palm.

We had lovely time visiting White Fortress. Views from these fortresses are super.
If you come to Sarajevo dont forget these two destinations.

Photos by @sammy00.

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