A Brief Jaunt to Spain and Goin to Church


Recently I got to indulge in one of my favourite activities. Border hopping. Always an amusing adventure as I currently have no Passport, Valid ID, or QR code.

Long story.

It does make it more interesting.

We had a good but brief day trip over the nearest border for some general shopping and supplies in Spain with my pal @edprivat , and the boss @iaura and of course my boy.

Of course as per usual the little road we took into Spain was empty.

One of the places on the itinerary was Bossost a Small border town with plenty of restos and shops targeting the tourists.

It thankfully isn't tourist season right now, Summers over and skiing hasn't opened up yet, so it was nice and peaceful.

WhatsApp Image 2021-11-08 at 6.00.46 PM.jpeg

If your ever there, in the central town these 2 Tapas Bars compete directly with each other, You cant go wrong with either. Seriously the food is awesome.

This time we hit the one on the left.

Rather Funny. My son only wanted to eat the battered Calamari rings, He ate an entire bowl near enough, and when he was getting full he pulled the squid out of the batter to eat, and left the batter.


Where we had a cracking Tapas lunch and a bit of a breather. Well everyone else had a breather I took the chance to once again tread on dangerous territory.

Holy ground.

Bienvenidos a La Iglesia de la Purificacio de Maria


Seriously this door is sat wide open with just a few security cameras guarding the doors, free for all to visit and directly opposite those 2 Tapas bars. I couldn't resist a quick look around.


There's some really nice detailing on and above the doors. Including some kind of variation on the Early Christos Monogram or Christogram.

I think it may be the logo for the new Vatican licensed replacement for Instagram.


I'm always more than a little impressed by the stone carvings and designs incorporated into these buildings.


And as you can see there's plenty of detail around the windows and under the eaves of some seriously thick slate roofing tiles.


This particular section of the stonework I found Really interesting, Different styles and detailing around each window in a random patchwork of styles.

Most likely due to years of repairs and replacements rather than by design but it still looks cool.


And of course the almost obligatory huge bell tower waiting for its hunchback to ascend the stairs.


The back door if anything is far more impressive than the front the detailing and craftsmanship is unique.


Churches are always good places to find some interesting carvings. I guess its time to go indoors.


So far so Good, I'm in and I haven't burst into flame.
Ok that's pretty damn impressive.


I always enjoy standing under these arched ceilings and looking up. It has always given me A strange almost disjointed feeling.

Like looking at the sky when its the wrong shade of blue.


That electric blue sky you only get on the coldest clearest winter days.

It somehow feels like I've moved onto another place without lifting my feet.


While not a religious man, I did light a couple of candles. Just because the people I lit them for would have appreciated it.


Obviously If you wanted to see some quality art back in the day the church was the place to be.


Just look at all the gold leaf detailing on that panel, That's some serious bling.


I really want one of these spinning bells. I don't know why I want one. I Just DO.

I ignored the do not touch signs everywhere and gave it a spin. They Are seriously loud.

Scared the shit outta myself.


This Lot of candles had me in stitches. 21st century remembrance candles. LED lights that look like candles and it takes a 1 Euro coin to make one turn on.

I guess this if for the people who cant be trusted with fire, or maybe they'll set it up to accept google pay someday.

Even Jesus doesn't look impressed.


More of those fantastic pillars and arches. Yeah its one of those things.


There next to a not so old statue of Mary with a head that is somehow way too big for the body.

That ladies and gentleman is an original Wall painting from the 13th or 14th Century.

To think all of the walls would have been plastered and painted with scenes like that once upon a time.

That statue though... Seriously I thing the guy who designed it was trippin balls. What the hell did he use for scale to get that noggin.


Up there's more of the terrible renovation work done on the last revamp. Cheap yellow pine boarding and a souvenir rack next to...


A Pair of seriously gilded carvings.


Because what better way to display your priceless historical artefacts than with cheap Ikea down lighting


At least they did a better job of showing this section off.


And I do like a bit of stained glass. So all in all its Been a really calm place to have a walk around. Due to it being lunchtime and out of season the whole time I was inside I never saw a soul.
It was awesome.

A great way to pass some contemplative time, even though the last renovation team should have been fired before they started.

Now its time for some...

Fun Facts

The building itself was most likely constructed in the 10th century and added to respectively in the 11th and 12th centuries. At least most Historians seem to agree on that one. A lot of internet research just lumps it down as 12th century.

As with most of these kind of buildings it was a progressive effort.

However due to the size and construction methods used in the older section of the building and the symbolism. Its widely believed it may be from as early as the 8th century. Like all such things its impossible to really tell.

Cause people had more important things to do than worry about keeping track of silly things when there were wars to be fought.

The last lot of renovation work which I consistently complain about, included adding some modern carvings and details on display as well as the coin-op candle machine. I personally think they should have installed A Pac Man Arcade cabinet. It would be just as fitting.

There are petitions around the village to Un-Renovate the building. I for one completely agree.

Regardless as one of the oldest and most intact churches of its kind in the Val D'Aran its well worth a trip.

All Photos taken by me on My Chinesium Phone A Xiamoi Mi 11 lite

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