Beautiful view of the mountains

Hello Hivers

The weekend has ended, and this weekend I spent two days visiting and traveling around various places, a city located in a mountainous area was my destination this time, various moments and stories colored this trip.

The beginning of my journey started from a beautiful cafe at the top, where this moment was a beautiful beginning of our journey

ONE RIFENERY, is the name of this cafe, they operated about a year ago, but this is the first time I have stopped at this place, from a distance you can clearly see the top of the mosque tower which can be seen in the photo above, the mosque has a very distant shape different from other mosques, and that is what is the icon of this cafe, the cafe owner deliberately built a mosque with a luxurious shape and design to attract the attention of visitors

Because we were hungry, my friend and I went straight into the cafe and started ordering food, what is famous here is coffee, so we both ordered the type of coffee we like, before starting to explore this place we decided to eat first

In the picture above you can clearly see the shape of the coffee machine they use, it is a machine that has above average quality, and the barista on duty here also has a certificate, the cafe owner seems to pay quite a lot of attention to how the cafe attracts customers here, especially everyone looks clean and tidy

This cafe has a building consisting of two floors, but I prefer the first floor, it is a room specifically designed for coffee, the design of the room is quite beautiful with the latest architectural style, and has transparent glass windows, providing views of the surrounding nature. clearly seen

Without having to wait long, our order finally arrived, the feeling of hunger was really annoying, and made me lazy to move

The distinctive aroma of coffee combined with hot French fries made me really feel comfortable, and I quite enjoyed this moment, but because I had a long way to go I couldn't stay in this room for long, and immediately finished our meal.

After eating, I went to the cashier's desk to pay, and as soon as I left the room, the cool mountain air greeted me with a beautiful view

As far as the eye can see you will see a stretch of typical tropical trees here, there is also an oil palm plantation under this cafe, the clear sky also makes the view look even more perfect

Even though I was in a bit of a rush, I still had to see several other corners of this cafe, especially the mosque

You can clearly see how clean the courtyard of this mosque is, the mosque building is designed with the latest building style, and has a function like an inn, at the bottom of the mosque there is a special room that can be used to rest for motorists who pass this road, but not in is it okay to stay overnight, can only rest for a few hours

It's not surprising that many people like this place, all the facilities are complete, in the afternoon the more people visit this place

People were also busy taking photos with their families, I didn't even get a place to take photos at the front of the cafe, because I was in a rush, I finally headed to the parking location to get my vehicle and get ready to leave.

The public facilities here are quite satisfactory, they have clean toilets, an outside parking lot which also looks very clean, and security is guaranteed, and most importantly, the service makes us addicted to visiting here, the coffee and food are really delicious

Before actually leaving this place I tried to take a few more pictures, and then I realized, it turns out that the front of the cafe is a supermarket and has a different name, while the side is a cafe where I relax, and the front faces the road named twenty seven which is a supermarket, that's a very good idea, even though the owner is the same person

The location of this place is quite strategic, the place is located right on the edge of the main road, and the road access to get to this place is also quite good, the picture above might explain it, and along the way we will see beautiful natural atmosphere and cool air, so There is no such thing as boredom when going to this place, I myself feel happy to be able to stop at a beautiful place like this

That's the start of my weekend trip, and for this time that's all I can share, thank you and see you again next time

Note; all pictures were taken with a smartphone camera and edited with Lightrhoom
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