Vacation to Ujong Blang beach in Bireuen city and some spectacular pictures.

Hello hive friends all❤. after one week in the hospital I was finally able to go on holiday again. and this time I went on holiday to the Ujong Blang Sea with friends.When the clock showed 03.30, my friends and I went on holiday to one of the seas in Bireuen, just to heal ourselves and find peace in the sea.Because where I live, beach tourist attractions are crowded in the afternoon, because the sun is no longer so hot and activities can be done freely.

There is nothing that can stop us from continuing to move forward, even if there is, don't pay too much attention to it, because there are definitely those who don't like seeing us succeed. Stick to the first goal and do what makes us happy. As long as you can make money and take positive action, do it.

Arriving at the Ujong Blang sea, we immediately looked for a place to sit and rest for a while, then ordered some food and drinks there. And while I had to wait for my order to be ready, I took the time to take some beautiful pictures of the Ujong Blang sea.

And coincidentally at this time the sea is experiencing high tide, making the water slightly higher towards the beach.

I am very happy. I played chase with the sea waves, when the waves approached me I immediately avoided them. I felt calm and peaceful. Every now and then I look at my seat to make sure my order is ready or not.

I continue to play in the water like a child and occasionally I also make paintings and draw in the sand. happiness that I can't express in words

After I finished playing in the water, my friend called me because my order was ready. and I immediately approached it because I wanted to eat it immediately. As usual I still took some pictures first.

This is noodles mixed with egg. For those who haven't eaten, please eat first. Because I will tell you a little about these noodles. Eating noodles on the beach, treated to beautiful and natural views and the sea breeze makes the atmosphere cooler and more pleasant.

The noodles are very delicious, coupled with the egg in it which has a slightly spicy taste, making this noodle have a taste that really suits my taste buds. in that picture I took two plates of noodles because my other friend was sitting next to me again.

After we chatted and joked there, without us realizing it, the sun had started to set and left us with a very beautiful sunset view. I immediately went down to the beach and took some beautiful pictures of the sunset.

it's really beautiful, isn't it?
As usual, I often spend my time enjoying the sunset, because the sunset will not last long and its beauty will also disappear as the sun goes down.

While I was busy taking photos, suddenly my female friend also wanted to take photos of the sunset and she also asked me to take her photos with the sunset in the background, she acted like a professional model and the sunset view was very spectacular.

Her beautiful appearance coupled with the spectacular background made this moment very beautiful for her and for me who photographed her.Because the sun was starting to get dark, we immediately planned to go home. And we immediately paid for our order.

because I was riding with my friend on a motorbike so I had time to take some beautiful pictures around the streets.

This is a pond in my area, and people here usually keep fish and shrimp in this pond, and there are also those who keep crabs and the like and this pond is located not far from the beach. A large pond produces abundant harvests, of course it is not easy, it takes experience and hard work to get satisfactory results from the pond.

After taking some pictures, we continued our journey back. And I also took some random pictures around the village to the city of Bireuen.

Those are some random pictures that I managed to take and that is also the end of today's story. I hope all my friends enjoy my post and take the positive side and discard the negative side🙏🙏

Images and stories are purely mine, I did not plagiarize anything from other people's content. I took the picture using an Infinix 10 Pro cellphone .

And I wrote the article above in Indonesian and translated it into English with the help of Google.

I'm @riyat. See you again in my next post❤❤

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