The Algarve Hill of Doom, Grazed Knees & Butters Breaks Down

We'd had an offer the day before to go for a 4x4 drive with some locals, but as I wasn't feeling well, I didn't want to sit in a car all day. Funnily enough, that's just what would happen!

We'd been given a Wikiloc route that would take you right up to near Lisbon, but we thought we'd just do a little bit of it, taking us down to Praia Amado beach. It didn't seem too far, taking us through some lovely wildflowers and sweeping views across the coast. It's just breathtaking.



However, after a while it started getting pretty scary, where Butters was hitting some pretty hard hills. I stopped getting in the car, preferring to take photos, film, and scream.

Seriously, some of the hills were mental. There were huge ruts and serious cambers that had me thinking Butters would either tip over or end up in a gorge.

So much for not going for a drive because I wasn't feeling well.


At last we reached the point of no return. I could see the carpark far below but behind us were some hills that would be almost impossible to get back up, so we didn't have a choice = we had to push on!!


This last push was a downward slope that was about 40 degrees. Absolutely terrifying. The photos just don't do it any justice at all. Again there were huge ruts and a sideways tilt that didn't make it an easy descent at all. Jamie was almost shaking too. However, he went for it - and made it! It was terrifying. Thank goodness he had a super low range gearbox. And honestly, these cars are MADE for such things.


Now, never mind the car going down hill - I somersaulted down! I just picked up pace was flying, thinking to myself, well, you can't stop now - except the universe had different plans, involving a spectacular tumble and a scraped knee and shin and thigh - you should see my bruises. Sigh.

Anyway, that still wasn't the end - the next hill was WORSE. At this point, bleeding and shaking, I just sat down in the dirt, put my head in my knees and told Jamie I was never going to 4x4 ever again. Ever. And to tell me when Butters made it, because I was not going to look. I didn't - and I didn't even film it - but she made it. Jamie had to come back up the hill to help me down.


Eventually, we were at the bottom, with a good cup of tea and a view, looking back at the mental hill. If we'd seen it from THIS angle, we would never ever have done it.




The beach at Praia Amado is amazing, by the way. There's a surf school and a cafe there, and a large carpark. Totally worth a visit. You don't need to take our hill of doom.

After that, we drove the motorway to the campground. No we didn't, did we? We followed the gorgeous coast road, then back to the motorway. The road is just beautiful with lots of views points to take photos and it would be lovely to hike it as well.



THEN we found another track leading down to the beach for a potential camp - down a seriously frightening hill that dropped away to the ocean. This time it was Jamie's turn to get mad. He was SO done for the day. At the bottom, it was seriously beautiful, but there was some pretty serious signs that said NO CAMPING, so we had to go up another seriously full on hill to get back up to the road. AAAGGGH.



By this time, we were fed up, and found a campsite - and would you believe it, but Butters juddered to a halt and would not start - but that's a story for tomorrow.

With Love,


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