A Trip to Padang Padang Beach in South Bali

It was August the 6th, 2023, I visited Padang Padang beach, located near another tourist area called Uluwatu, south of Bali. The road was narrow and packed with cars, tourist buses and motorcycles making it hard to drive. However, the van driver I was with, told me that traffic could be worse on certain days. He said it was good that we were able to keep moving towards our destination.

A Change in Padang-Padang Village

When we reached Padang-Padang village, I was surprised by its transformation. Now filled with shops for tourists, the once quiet and forested area has become a bustling little town. Years ago, it was peaceful and quiet with lots of greenery.

Now you can find shops selling dresses, surfing gear, shoes and rental motorbikes everywhere. Tourists crowded the roads and beach making it feel more like a town than a village.

Walk Through The Cave to The Beach

To get to the beach, you have to navigate down stairs and through a cave. A ticket counter is conveniently located at the beginning of this path. Parking isn't available near this spot but across the road instead. After parking your vehicle there, you need to walk some distance back to purchase your ticket before heading down to enjoy the beach.

After buying my ticket, I headed down the stairs towards a small cave. This part always feels like an exciting adventure to me.

The stairs lead me down to a small opening that can only fit one person to walk through. The cave wall was rocky. So, I had to pay attention so that I did not hit the wall. It was also a bit dark in some places, but the stairs was not so long. It lead to a beach filled with people in less than five minutes.

There's a mix of tourists and locals enjoying the beach.The tourists relaxed on the sand under umbrellas, swam in the sea, played with their kids or took photos. Many sip coconut water sold by local vendors who also offer food and clothing around the beach area. It seemed everyone at this spot had a great time.

The Surf Competition and Cheeky Monkeys

At the start of my walk upstairs, I noticed a sign about an ongoing surfing competition. However, looking at the beach and sea, there was no such competition in sight. Instead, beginners were practicing their surf skills on small waves that weren't fit for a contest.

I asked a man selling surfing courses and renting out boards about this. He confirmed there was supposed to be a competition but it couldn't happen because the waves were too small. He wasn’t sure if it would resume the following day. He was not a weatherman, he said.

While talking to him, I spotted another sign warning tourists about monkeys who often stole food like coconuts from them. Clearly, some cheeky monkeys enjoyed prowling around the beach!

I strolled on the sandy beach, observing everyone enjoying under umbrellas and playing in the sea. The sun is blazing hot, so I seek shade near trees where monkeys frolic.
One hour passed and I went back up. Instead of heading towards a cave, I climbed steep stairs that lead back to the road from which my journey began. This was a short trip to Padang Padang Beach, but it was a fun visit. Thanks for reading!

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