Meeting crocodiles in San Blas



Today, we set aside our usual boat concerns and embraced our roles as tourists. Meeting with all our friends on the beach, we asked the beach bar to call a taxi for us. Unfortunately, the road was closed, so we decided to walk.


We embarked on a 3-kilometer trek along the beach in the scorching heat just to reach the main road. Along the way, we grabbed a couple of beers to keep our spirits high. As we approached the town, hoping to find a taxi, we realized that very few cars were passing by. However, we spotted a colectivo (a local minivan) on the other side of the street. We flagged it down and asked if he could take us to the river, where our boat for the jungle tour awaited. Typically, it’s challenging to find a ride for nine people, but we were lucky—the minivan was empty. He graciously turned around and became our private ride.


Upon reaching the river, our boat ride awaited us. We eagerly jumped onboard and set off on our jungle adventure. Just ten minutes into the journey, Nixie received an important email that required an immediate response. We asked our guide/captain to head back briefly to find a spot with signal so she could send the email.

With the email sent and everything back on track, we were ready to continue. The boat glided smoothly over the water, and we were immediately surrounded by dense, lush greenery on either side. The air was thick with the sounds of the jungle: the distant calls of exotic birds, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle lapping of the water against the boat’s hull.


Our guide, a local expert, navigated us through the winding waterways with ease. He pointed out various plants and animals, sharing fascinating stories and facts about the ecosystem. The highlight of the tour came when we spotted our first crocodile. It was a massive creature, basking lazily on the riverbank, its rough skin blending seamlessly with the surroundings. As we watched in awe, the crocodile’s eyes flicked open, and it slithered into the water, disappearing beneath the surface with barely a ripple.

Further along, we encountered several turtles sunning themselves on logs jutting out of the river. These gentle creatures were a stark contrast to the intimidating crocodiles, and we marveled at their slow, deliberate movements. Some of them slid into the water as we approached, while others seemed unperturbed by our presence, continuing to soak up the sun.

This photo is a photo for contest #aroundtheworld

In the middle of the jungle, we stopped to see the largest crocodiles, kept in cages for their safety. It was dangerous for them to roam freely, as people might kill them for their skin.


When we returned to our dinghies, it was late, and we had to hurry through the last stretch because the beach was swarming with bloodthirsty mosquitoes.

On our way back, we stopped by the beach bar to grab a bag of ice. Though the bar was closed, the family living there always welcomed us with smiles and provided anything we needed. Today, they gifted us a huge bag of fresh mangoes from their tree.

Thanks for reading my logbook and stay tuned for our next adventures!

Your admiral @pjaroundtheworld



Dnes jsme nechali problémy s lodí za sebou! Setkali jsme se s přáteli na pláži a naplánovali projížďku po řece plné krokodýlů, ale kvůli uzavřené silnici jsme museli jít pěšky asi 3 km k hlavní silnici.

Nakonec jsme našli colectivo (místní dodávku). Řidič jel sice opačným směrem, ale naštěstí byl prázdný a vzal nás, kam jsme potřebovali.

U řeky jsme nastoupili na loď a náš kapitán/průvodce byl výborný, jel pomalu a u každého krokodýla nebo želvy zastavil. Uprostřed džungle jsme si mohli zaplavat v oplocené zátoce. Ti největší krokodýli byli zavření v obřím výběhu, aby je nezabili pytláci.

Cestou zpět jsme koupili led, aby jsme udrželi naši lednici chladnější a také jsme dostali čerstvá manga od místních. Asi posledních 500 metrů jsme běželi, protože pláž byla plná komárů.

Zítra budu mít první lekci surfování s Nixie.

Váš admirál @pjaroundtheworld

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