Fixing and planning



Our fav bar in La Cruz always with us - Lusty on Land

Our morning was dedicated to problem-solving. We contacted our friend in Mazatlan to ask if we could use his address for an Amazon delivery, uncertain if we’d stop there but needing a reliable location for our package.



While I joined the others to explore the town and ordered two larger MPPT 100/30 smart solar charge controllers—the correct ones for our solar panels—Captain Sage stayed onboard to work on a temporary fix for our power issues. She traced all the wires from the batteries to the solar panels. We relied on Alex’s generator to recharge the batteries in the morning and evening, but we knew we had to fix our own generator soon since Alex would be heading back south after this anchorage. Fortunately, our boat was close enough to Saoirse to connect to her Starlink, which helped wih our research.


The Bay of Matanchen is famous for its delicious banana breads, which we were eager to try. We were also excited about the river tour, where we could see crocodiles and turtles—adventures planned for the next few days.


On the way back to the boat, I picked up a bag of ice, as we had to turn down our refrigerator to save power. We were beginning to feel like old-school sailors—no electronics, no fridge, no power.




Additionally, we discovered that our running lights had stopped working, a critical issue since our next trip would be overnight. We needed to fix them asap. Btw they are the green and red lights on the bow of the boat.

We had the anchorage to ourselves, with only five boats (all our friends). It was usually very quiet, but on weekends, families flocked to the beach and rode bananas or jet skis around our boats. We made sure to be back onboard by 6 PM every day to avoid the swarms of mosquitoes that filled the beach.

We know for sure now, that we will be without power at least for a week.

Follow me for updates on SV Tengai!

Your admiral @pjaroundtheworld



Po dnešním ránu nemám dobré zprávy. Musíme zastavit ve městě, které jsme chtěli vynechat, ale je to jediné místo, kam můžeme poslat naši Amazon objednávku. Další zastávka Mazatlán, ale nemusíme spěchat, máme 10 dní, protože to mají jen na americkém Amazonu.

Zatím, co já jsem vyrazila s ostatníma do vesničky a objednat, co potřebujeme, kapitánka Sage zůstala na palubě a kontrolovala všechny dráty, od baterií až po solární panely.

Matanchen Bay je známý výborným “banana bread” a hlavně jízdou po řece plné krokodýlů - naše aktivity na další dny.

Po cestě zpět na loď jsem musela nakoupit velký balík ledu, museli jsme zvýšit teplotu v lednici - šetříme elektřinu, protože jí moc nemáme.
Alexova loď je celkem blízko, tak můžeme aspoň používat jeho Starlink.

Btw jste zjistili, že naše světla na přídi (zelené a červené) přestaly svítit. Ty jsou velmi důležité, pro náš další trip, který by měl trvat 24-26 hodin.

Každý den musíme být zpět na palubě před šestou, aby nás nepoštípaly hejna komárů, co se tam každý večer vyrojí.

P.S. Tento týden Alex bude vařit český guláš podle mého receptu!

Díky za přečtení mého lodního deníku.

Váš admirál @pjaroundtheworld

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