Raouli Kholi. The last campground on the way to the Bhrigu Lake Trek.

Hello All!

So here we were at Rauli Kholi base camp and as soon as we entered there, we were greeted by a small steam of water.


It was a glacial stream of water, which was being fed up by nearby glacier and when we came closer to it, we found that the water was crystal clear. I never saw water so clear in my life before. It was like the water at its purest state.


I wish that I could take a dip in that small pond made out of that glacier water, but sadly, we couldn’t take risk as it was too cold and we could get sick.


The water was so clear that the rocks that were beneath the water was clearly visible.


The water had greenish hue to it, and it was flowing steadily.

The glacial body that fed this river was way up high the mountain that it was not visible from Rauli Kholi.


During late spring or early summers, when this track first opens, the mountains are full of snow, and while the mountains are full of snow, this place looks like a fairy tale. There are like 11 to 12 waterfalls around Rauli Kholi, which feed this glacial steam of water.

Then at that time, this stream of water becomes quite large and the water is way too colder than it's nowadays.


After spending some time at the stream, we headed towards our camp, and while we were walking towards our camp, we saw the moon in all its glory. It was about to set before Dhauladhar range of Himalayas.

I tried to capture it with my iPhone, but the picture below is the best effort I could do considering the small camera, my phone has.


Hanuman Tiba and Friendship Peak were clearly visible now as we were quite as similar height from them to the other side of the valley.


This place looked so magical. It was like we were literally in heaven. Everything about this place was heavenly. The lush green meadows, the horses which looked like unicorns, snow capped mountains of the Dhauladhar range of the Himalayas, the moon setting behind those mighty mountains, the dark blue sky and the cool breeze that was constantly blowing .



While our camp was being pitched, we got the free time to enjoy some sunlight. We took our shirts off and sat in the sun.


I jumped around in happiness and my friend captured that moment perfectly with his camera. By the time our tents got pitched, we were sunburnt sunburned so badly that my skin was literally black.


It was hardly 30 minutes, we reached the campsite, but within that time, the clouds started coming up to the mountains out of nowhere.


Now the Dhauladhar range of Himalayas was slowly getting covered with clouds. The Hanuman Tibba was partially covered, clouds were slowly gathering to cover friendship peak, and the wind started blowing rapidly. It was hardly 30 minutes. We reached the campsite, but within that time, the clouds started coming up to the mountains out of nowhere.


As we had a lot of time left for that day, we decided to track up a little. We hiked around 200 to 300 m up the hill right in front of our campsite.


And it was the best decision that we took that day. Now we could see all the waterfalls that the guys were talking about previously .


We saw that how snow could have been melted during winters to create those small waterfalls


Now all that was left was green meadows and some horses that were feeding upon those green meadows.


We could see the traces of the streams that were flowing before, and also a couple of streams that were still active.


The campsite looked so amazing from up the hill. The tents were looking like tiny dots in the meadows and the huge mountains around the campsite added to the vibe.


The clouds were coming from out of nowhere, and weather was getting colder. The campsite looked so amazing from up the hill. The tents were looking like tiny dots in the meadows. and the huge mountains around the campsite added to the vibe. The clouds were coming from out of nowhere, and weather was getting colder.


In spite of the bad weather, some people were still crossing the stream and hiking till the Bhrigu lake.


The wind was blowing so fast now that it forced us to hop inside tents again.


The clouds were getting closer and closer to us and it felt like it was about to rain.


And while we thought it was about to rain, it suddenly got cleared. That's how the weather of mountain is like. A moment you can feel that it's going to rain heavily or sometimes you might feel it's going to snow, but the very next moment, like in 10 seconds it gets clear.


Sometimes it's completely whiteout, or sometimes you'll get the direct sunlight over your arms that you can get sunburned by the harsh sunlight!


We spent the next couple hours planning the next day as the next day was very important to us. We were about to summit the mountain and we were about to witness the most beautiful thing this mountain has to offer. The Bhrigu lake.


We kept on looking at the mountains and discussed about how far we've come from the places we were coming from initially. We were not worrying about anything or we were not thinking about anything either.


That was one of the best times of our lives and we felt grateful as we had the opportunity to visit such beautiful places that very few people can visit.

That’s all for today guys!!!

Love from Himalayas!


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