Travel: Alameda - San Francisco Ferry


Hello there, I'm @outwars. I recently visited San Francisco with my sister and her husband to watch the Golden State Warriors game, and I would like to share my experience. For this post, I will be writing about the method we decided to go there, which is thru the Alameda Ferry.


We started the day by waking up early since we will be touring SF for a bit. We walked a good amount from their house to the Alameda Ferry Terminal and made it just in time for the next schedule.


While waiting for the current passengers to disembark, and for our gate to open, I took some photos. The surroundings were simple. An open carpark behind us, and rocks and buildings on our side.


In front of us was the ship, and just beyond that, you can see the San Francisco skyline. I guess a lot of the locals are used to this view, but as a tourist, it is nice to see a nice view everyday. I'm from the Philippines, so I only see it in movies or in pictures.


We then boarded the ship and decided to ride at the back in the open air. The temperature was cool, but the sun was shining brightly to counteract it. It was a perfect day for a boat ride.


We waited for a few more minutes for other passengers, and I took some more pictures. On one side were the cranes, while on the other were some containers.



We then started moving away from San Francisco. It seems that the ferry makes a stop on the Oakland Terminal to also get passengers. Since we are waiting for a while, I took some more photos and looked around the ferry.


In the middle of the ferry was a enclosed area with better seats. But after being outside where it was cool and windy, the enclosed area immediately started feeling very warm, and I was beginning to sweat. So I quickly headed back out again.


The Oakland terminal looked so much better than the Alameda terminal since they seem to have a mini mall. On one side I saw a large area of the bay with a lot of yachts. I'm guessing this area is where the rich spend a lot of time with their boats.


After a while, it was time to head towards San Francisco. We had a few more passengers join us in the back, and I think some of them are also Filipino tourists.


We passed by the Cranes again, but along the way I saw a different one. If the other ones looked like AT-ATs or horses, this one looked like a Giraffe with its longer neck and legs


Apart from the usual mounds of crates on one side, and the occasional ship on the other side, our trip was pretty simple. Just a whole lot of land on one side, and a lot of water on the other.



It started getting more interesting when we got near the Bay Bridge, and the Treasure Island. I don't think I'll be able to visit the Treasure Island, but it is nice to get a closer look at it.


What's also really cool with the ferry ride is that you get to go under the Bay Bridge. I've been on it, but seeing it from below makes it even more impressive and beautiful. I also got a few really nice photos of it.









And then we were finally nearing our destination. I can see the San Francisco Skyline more closely now. And I was able to take a nice photo of it from the sea angle


We then arrived at the SF Ferry Terminal. We also explored it a bit, and that will be my next post.


I don't usually take ferry rides since they take longer to get to a destination, and there isn't a lot to see on it back in the Philippines. But I have to say the Ferry ride to SF was really interesting. I got to see a lot of tourist attractions from a different perspective, while also having a fun time with my relatives.

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