Natural Beauty of Vila do Conde City

Hello all and welcome to my blog :)
How is everyone?

This time I'm going to show you a little more about the lovely Vila do Conde. This city has a lot of history and wherever we go we always learn a little more.
After passing the Fish Market, we find D. João II square, which can be considered a tribute to the Age of Discoveries. Ships were built here that were used to sail the seas in search of new people and countries. At that time, travel was guided by compasses, astrolabes, maps and sundials. What dominates this square is a giant sundial, which is often not noticeable at first glance even though it is huge.


If we look closely, the clock is made up of a mast and the canopy of a ship, with a mermaid at the end. The mermaid reminds me of the stories I heard when I was younger about how they bewitched navigators. The ground, seen from above, appears to be full of waves. As the day was ending it was not possible to tell the time. We continued along the river, on a small bridge that we had already passed several times and came across some padlocks with engraved inscriptions. Names of families, couples, as if promising eternal love.

I don't know if you believe it, but I believe that we can have a love for life :-) That's why it's always nice to think that someone else thinks like me.
Right there we see the great 16th century ship. In addition to being a tourist attraction, it has an educational component. We can enter the Ship, but first we need to purchase a ticket at the Museum. Inside we can see the crew's quarters, the crew themselves, their clothes and everything in life size. Furthermore, we also can see and learn about navigation instruments and even goods. The fact that it is moored in the water gives this whole experience an even greater touch of truth :-)

From there, to see the sunset, we went up to the Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Socorro. From there the view over the square is magnificent. The chapel was built by Gaspar Manuel and his wife Barbara Ferreira de Almeida and both are buried there. Inside, I remember that the chapel is decorated with blue tiles telling some episodes from the story of Christ. Unfortunately, I won't be able to show you that part. The alleys are very picturesque and it's nice to find places like this in such big cities.

We stopped at Rua dos Prazeres, which leads to the Carmo Convent Church. Here we find another place of worship or devotion, however you prefer to interpret it. Many years ago this street was called that because sailors looked for women to fill the long months at sea.

I hope you enjoyed.
Tomorrow I'm back with the Golden hour that we managed to capture.

Text & Photography by @Onyfest

With love @onyfest

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