Largo do Pelourinho & Igreja Matriz / Sortelha - Riding Portugal

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog :-)


We are almost finished with our visit to Sortelha. After exploring the castle we really need to stop for a while to rest. In the first post I included a photo of an elderly couple admiring the view and resting in the shade. We were approached by a lady who was alone and on crutches (there are several parking spaces throughout the village for people with disabilities or reduced mobility) who asked us if we were from there.


Estamos quase a terminar a visita a Sortelha. Depois de explorar o castelo precisamos mesmo parar um bocadinho para descansar. No primeiro post coloquei uma foto de um casal com alguma idade a comtemplar a vista e a descansar à sombra . Fomos abordados por uma senhora que estava sozinha e de muletas (pela aldeia estão espalhados vários locais para estacionamento para pessoas com deficiência, ou mobilidade reduzida) que nos perguntou se éramos dali.






She told us that they came from France (she and her husband who was photographing) and that they were getting to know Portugal. They have been together for 50 years and this trip was an anniversary gift for their "Golden Anniversary". When we noticed, we were sitting right in Largo do Pelourinho and we saw two inhabitants of the village for the first time. They explained that this was the old political center and that the building opposite was the Parish Council. Below the joint there is an artisan shop where we were able to observe the art of making baskets (all by hand).


Contou-nos que vieram de França (ela e o marido que andava a fotografar) e que andavam a conhecer Portugal. Estão juntos há 50 anos e esta viagem foi a prenda de aniversário pelas suas "Bodas de Ouro". Quando reparamos estávamos sentados mesmo no largo do Pelourinho e vimos pela primeira vez dois habitantes da Aldeia. Explicaram que aqui era o antigo centro político e que o edifico mesmo em frente era a Junta de Freguesia. Por baixo da junta existe uma loja de artesanato onde pudemos observar a arte de se fazerem cestas (tudo manualmente).






Bracejo is a thin plant that grows in clumps in areas of medium altitude and dry terrain. It is a food much appreciated by ruminants, especially cattle. Since ancient times, it has been used to weave, intertwined, various objects for domestic and decorative use, such as baskets, mats and other items. It is commonly used to make brooms.


O Bracejo é uma planta fina que cresce em tufos em áreas de altitude média e terrenos secos. É um alimento muito apreciado pelos ruminantes, especialmente pelos bovinos. Desde tempos antigos, tem sido utilizado para tecer, de forma entrelaçada, diversos objetos de uso doméstico e decorativo, como, cestos, esteiras e outros itens. É comumente usado para fazer vassouras.







Today, Sortelha crafts continue to evolve with modern times. Traditions continue, but there is also a desire to evolve.
After this history and tradition lesson, we continued to walk through the streets of the village and arrived at the Church Square and stopped to observe the Renaissance main church from 1573, dedicated to Our Lady of the Snows.


Atualmente, o artesanato de Sortelha continua a evoluir com os tempos modernos. As tradições continuam, mas há também vontade de evoluir.
Depois desta lição de história e tradição continuamos a percorrer as ruas da aldeia e chegamos ao largo da Igreja e paramos para observar a igreja matriz renascentista de 1573, dedicada a Nossa Senhora das Neves.







Tomorrow we finish our visit here and head to a place that stole my heart.
I hope you enjoyed.
See you around.
Wishing you much peace and health

Those who pass by us do not go alone. They leave a bit of themselves, taking a piece of us."
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince.

"The Template cover used in this post is from Canva - Created by Misia"

Text & Photography by @Onyfest

With love @onyfest

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