I'm in Europe again! Katowice, Poland. #TheLongestTrip continues


The period of change takes some adjusting... I think this is the longest adjustment period I've had in my entire time at hive since I haven't posted in the last 25 days. Yes, now really big changes are happening in my life in many important areas of my life. That is why I am temporarily absent from here, my friends.
After 1.5 years in Turkey, we decided to move to Europe for a while to fulfill an important task in our lives. After completing this mission, I will share my experience with you.



And here is the first city we arrived at - Katowice in Poland. The flight was at 6:40 in the morning, so we stayed up all night. It's really difficult for us because our usual routine is to go to bed at 3 in the morning and wake up after 11 o'clock. Then our creative potential is great. But the morning time is unproductive for us.
The problem was that check-in to our airbnb apartment took place after 3 p.m. Thank God, our friend met us at the airport in his car and took us to the cozy Khrystinka cafe. The first acquaintance with Europe took place while parking the car. After Turkey, where parking was usually free, we studied this topic. $1 per hour is parking, which you have to pay at the machine, if there is a free space of course :) Then we spent 5 hours in this atmospheric cafe, tasting delicious raspberry and blueberry cakes, dozing on the tables with tea, and leaving here the $50 check...




While my daughters slept in the cafe, I went outside to feel the atmosphere of this Polish city with its majestic architecture, where trams run through the streets. It was very similar to my hometown Lviv. Birch trees intertwined their branches with flowering chestnuts, which looked beautiful against the background of old houses.




Finally, it's time to move into our apartment. We came to a cozy courtyard among red brick houses. We had to carry our suitcase to the 2nd floor, but there was no elevator :) It's great that there are men in the world who want to help! So, we entered the apartment, fell into bed, and fell into a sound sleep. The next day we went to explore the city, which was fascinating for its cleanliness and architectural beauty.



Each country has its own unique culture and mentality. How could I describe my feelings about Poland in a few words: it is strictness, order and royal majesty.



Flowers among lush greenery create harmony and peace in the soul. Each house has its own unique face: windows, balconies and stucco around them convey the talent of creators of past eras.




We walked along Mariacka Street, where there were various cafes and bars on both sides. A giant bottle of beer by the door invited lovers of this drink. Cozy green courtyards could be seen through the exotic arches in the houses.




It was somewhat unusual to be here after the two-story villas of Kemer surrounded by palm trees and flowering vines. We also felt the difference in climate. Because we got from the heat of 25-30 degrees to 10-18 degrees of heat.




At the end of the street, a Gothic church of incredible beauty could be seen. We stopped on the way to this masterpiece of ancient architecture, taking videos and photos from different angles.





St. in Katowice Mary's Church
is one of the oldest churches in Katowice. It was built in Neo-Gothic style. A beautiful church located on the busiest street in Katowice. It is beautifully illuminated in the evenings.
For me, this church will remain in my memory as a visiting card of the city of Katowice.




We walked the streets of Katowice for a long time, looking at the old houses against the background of the night sky.
My soul is filled with beautiful emotions from this greatness that we inherited from the creators of past centuries.


Our #TheLongestTrip continues. I hope that soon I will recover my strength and have more time to share with you more often stories about the exciting places I visited. Thank you all for your support 💕

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