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Natural beauties of Xcaret Park - 🎋🌳💚 Mexico 💚🌳🎋 - Prirodne lepote parka Xcaret

Dear lovers of natural beauty, each country offers something specific and different, on this occasion I will evoke the natural beauty of Mexico.
You could not miss some of the attractions that this country offers and its natural beauty.

Dragi ljubitelji prirodnih ljepota, svaka zemlja nudi nešto specifično i drugačije, ovom prilikom ću vam dočarati prirodne ljepote Meksika.
Niste mogli propustiti neke od atrakcija koje ova zemlja nudi i njene prirodne ljepote.



In the park you can see a reserve of special birds such as parrots, flamingos and other species of birds, I was attracted by parrots and flamingos because of their unique colors.

U parku možete videti i rezervat posebnih ptica kao što su papagaji, flamingosi i druge vrste ptica, meni su privukli pažnju papagaji i flamingosi zbog svojih jedinstvenih boja.

Xcoret Park is one of the most popular eco-parks along the Maya Riviera.

Park Xcoret je jedan od najpopularnijih eko - parkova duž Revijere Maja.


This today famous park has many different natural attractions.
According to an old legend, this park was once used by the Maya for ritual bathing and purification of their mind before going to the island of Cozumel, to the temple of the goddess (Ixchel), who was a representative of deities, love and the moon.

Ovaj danas čuveni park raspolaže sa više razlićitih prirodnih atrakcija.
Prema nekoj staroj legendi ovaj park su nekada davno koristile Maje za ritualno kupanje i proćišćavanje svoga uma pre odlaska na ostrvo Cozumel, u hram boginje (Ixchel), koja je bila predstavnik božanstva, ljubavi i meseca.


Here you can see some details of the past such as archeological finds or some ruins, but what attracted me the most was the newly built village of Mayan, which is full of interesting little houses.

Ovde se mogu videti i neki detalji prošlosti poput arheoloških nalaza ili neke ruševine, ali najviše mi je privuklo pažnju novo izgrađeno selo Mayan, koje je prepuno interesantnih malih kućica.




The houses are covered with reeds, with wooden pillars and handrails, the rest of the building is made of some stone.

Kućice su prekrivene trskom, sa drvenim stubovima i gelenderima, ostatak građevine je od nekog kamena.



Tucked between tropical plants and palm trees, near some houses, you can notice some sculptures of the former people who lived here in the Maya, today they simply adorn the park and preserve the memory of the ancient past.

Uškane između tropskim biljkama i palmama, blizu pojednih kućica mogu se primetiti i pojedine skulpture nekadašnjeg naroda koji je ovde živeo Maja, danas jednostavno krase park i čuvaju uspomenu na davnu prošlost.



All around us was an oasis of greenery with interesting tropical plants, tall palm trees that reach high, as if touching the sky, and there are some very old trees that you really can't miss because of their unusual shape.

Svuda oko nas se nalazila oaza zelenila sa interesantim tropskim biljkama, visokim palmama koje dopiru visko, kao da dodiraju nebo, a tu su i pojedina veoma stara stabla koja zaista nemožeš zaobići zbog svog nesvakidašnjeg oblika.

I wonder how old this tree is?
It is so wide that it cannot be covered very high.

Pitam se koliko godina je staro ovo drvo?
Tako je široko da se ne može obuhvatiti i veoma visko.

What is most interesting is that a special type of cactus that blooms in red grows on the tree.

Što je najinteresantnije da da drvetu raste posebna vrsta kaktusa koja cveta u crvenoj boji.


The result of this place is that you can spend a day with your family, exploring the wilderness and everything that surrounds you in it.
Xcaret Park is not very far from Cancun about an hour’s drive.
The fact is that this park was built on groundwater and ruins that are the remains of the former Mayan people, discovered in the cleaning of this land.
However, these elements of it have made it one of the real attractions where the incredible nature that surrounds the park, history and even a great party for all ages come together.

Rezultat ovog mesta je da možete provesti dan sa porodicom, u istraživanju divljine i svega što vas u njemu okružuje.
Xcaret park nije jako udaljen od Kankuna otprilike sat vremena vožnje.
Činjenica je da je ovaj park izgrađen na podzemnim vodama i ruševinama koji su ostatci nekadašnjeg naroda Maja, otkriveni u čišćenju ovog zemljišta.
Ipak su je ovi njeni elementi učinili jednom od pravih atrakcija gde se spaja neverovatna priroda koja okružuje park, istorija pa i jedna velika zabava za sve uzraste.

Your Maya

Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)

(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)

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